Li Houqi’s “Essential Analysis of Eight Characters – The Third Episode of Zhixiu Numerology”

Jul 16,2024 15 40

Download the PDF e-book of Li Houqi’s “Analysis of Bazi – Zhixiu Numerology Volume 3”. Brief introduction “Analysis of Bazi” is the sequel of “One Hundred Methods of Fortune Telling” and also the third episode of “Zhixiu Numerology”. It is a book that continues to be written following “Hundred Fortune-telling Methods”. The book has a total of 310,000 words and is divided into four parts. The first part consists of six papers, followed by “Zhixiu Numerology”

Li Houqi’s “Essential Analysis of Bazi – The Third Volume of Zhixiu Numerology” PDF e-book download.


“Essential Analysis of Bazi” is the sequel of “Hundred Fortune-telling Methods” and also the third episode of “Zhixiu Numerology”. It is a book that continues to be written following “Hundred Fortune-telling Methods”. The book has a total of 310,000 words and is divided into four parts. The first part consists of six essays, written following “Zhixiu Numerology”. The twenty-eighth chapter on balance and circulation highly summarizes the entire content of numerology into six characters: one image, two cardinal principles, and eight methods. One is image, image or image-like momentum; two principles: balance and circulation; eight laws are birth, restraint, restraint, transformation, punishment, punching, abandonment, and harm. The twenty-ninth article on spiritual energy points out that the fortune-telling of rich and poor depends on the three characters of spiritual energy. To make a fortune, you need to be rich and spiritual, and to be an official and be an official is spiritual… The 30th Qingzhuo Pure Miscellaneous Chapter points out that Qingzhuo Pure Miscellaneous is an important criterion for fate. For the same type of fate, because of their different turbidity and purity, the degree of wealth of their fate is very different. Those who are pure are rich and noble, and those who are turbid are poor and humble. The 31st chapter of “Killing Years and Money Months, All Unlucky” pointed out that all hits have a common law of disasters: no matter what kind of destiny the owner is, there is no one who will not be unlucky in the killing year or the killing year. . In the thirty-second article, Misfortunes and Fortunes with Signs, it tells readers how to find the signs of misfortune and auspiciousness in fate, and how to judge the misfortunes and fortunes of their life according to these signs. The thirty-third chapter of Changing the Sun Pillar at Zishi discusses the correctness of changing the Sun Pillar at Zishi and the error of changing the Sun Pillar at Fuzi from the principles of numerology, spirit, and examples, thus negating the early and night Zishi respectively.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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