Duan Jianye “Blind School Intermediate and Advanced Numerology Lectures Bound Edition”

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Duan Jianye’s “Blind School Intermediate and Advanced Numerology Lectures Bound Edition” PDF e-book download. Table of Contents Chapter 1, Pros and Cons 1 1. How to look at Pros and Cons 1 2. Universiade Cons 2 3. Collision and Contrast 4 1. Original Contrast and Combination 4 2. Sui Yun Contrasting and Contrasting Game 4 Chapter 2, Response Period 5 1. Big Limit Response Period 5 2. Lu and Original Body Response Period 6 3. Escape

Duan Jianye’s “Blind School Intermediate and Advanced Numerology Lectures Bound Edition” PDF e-book download.


Chapter 1, Main Game, reverse game 1 1. How to look at positive game and reverse game 1 2. Universiade game against game 2 3. Collision and counter game 4 1. Original game and counter game 4 2. Year-old luck and counter game 4 Chapter Two, Response period 5 1. Response period of great limit 5 2. Response period of salary and original body 6 3. Response period of avoiding dryness 7 4. Response period of fleeting year or Universiade and horoscope 7 Stem elephants 9 2. Twelve-branch elephants 9 3. Sixty stem-branch elephants 11 Chapter 4. Gods and spirits 11 1. Lucky gods 11 2. Sheep blades 11 3. Tomb-like elephants 11 4. The image of the post-horse 12 5. The image of emptiness 12 Chapter 5. The image of the four pillars and houses 12 1. The image of the six relatives 12 2. The image of time 13 3. The image of space 13 5. The image of the body 13 6. The object Elephant 13 7. Emotional image 13 8. External and internal image 13 Chapter 6. Ten gods 14 1. Zhengyin image 14 2. Pianyin image 14 3. Official official image 14 4. Qisha image 15 5. Positive Wealth 15 6. Partial Wealth 15 7. Shoulder to Shoulder 15 8. Stealing Wealth 16 9. Chef God 16 10. Injured Officials 16 Chapter 7. Application of Xiang 17 1. The Principle of Mutual Image 17 2. The Principle of Combining Image 18 3. The Principle of Transforming Image 19 4. The Principle of Tomb Image 20 5. The Principle of Manipulating Image 20 6. The Principle of Carrying Image 21 7. The Principle of Borrowing Image 22 Chapter 8, Caiming Special 23 The First Section, Views on Wealth 23 1. Prosperity for wealth 23 2. Injury to food for wealth 24 3. Official killing for wealth 25 Section 2. Methods of obtaining wealth 27 1. Operations to obtain wealth 27 2. Risks to obtain wealth 29 3. Intellectual acquisition Wealth 30 4. Earning wealth through physical strength 32 5. Earning wealth through work and salary 34 Chapter IX. Views on official life 36 1. Making use of meritorious service to become an official 36 1. Combination of official kill with injured food, injured food with official kill or official kill with injured food acting. 36 2. Combination of official killing and robbery blade, official killing makes robbery blade or robbery blade makes official killing work. 37 3. Combination of printing stars and fortune stars, fortune stars make seals or print fortune stars to do work. 38 4. Combination of Yinxing and Huanshi, printing Huanshi or Huanshi making Yin work. 38 2. The use of life and chemical work to serve as an official 38 1. The use of life and chemical work to perform work includes: the combination of official killing with printing, printing and official killing. 38 2. If Yin gives birth to Lu, Lu is in the main position, Lu is the power, and is the official Luge. 39 3. Printing an official hat, which is related to the main position, is also an official order. 39 3. Other combinations 40 4. Officials in charge of money or in business 41 Chapter 10, Marriage Special 43 Section 1. How to judge whether a marriage is good or bad 43 1. Good marriage combinations 43 2. Poor marriage combinations 44 Section 2. Numerology of multiple marriages 45 Section 3. Numerology of celibacy 48 Section 4. Marriage due date 50 1. The marriage date is 50 if the spouse’s star, earthly branch, and sextile enter the spouse’s palace. Marriage date 51 3. Spouse palace and spouse’s Xing Chong are marriage due date 52 Section 5. Divorce due date 53 Chapter 11. Fate anecdote analysis 53 1. Miserable woman 53 2. Mafia leader 53 3. All hardships and joys come 54 4. Prison fate 54 5. Traitors 54 5. Destiny to control children 55 6. Liars (asking for money in a proper way) 56 7. Thieves and thieves 56 8. Jiangmen tiger girl 56 9. Father’s sorrow 56 Chapter Twelve , Zhao Yu’s Actual Combat Collection 57 1. Xiuwei 57 1. Some brilliant quotations and characters in Xici. 57 2. The question and answer of Yuqiao involves the body and function of the numerology of the blind faction, where reason is the body and image is the function. “57 3. Understanding Yin and Yang 58 2. Actual combat demonstration 58 1. Jiayimu 58 2. Bingdinghuo 59 3. Gengxinjin 60 4. Supplementary fate example 60 5. Continue Gengxinjin 62 6. Renguishui 62 7. Wu Jitu 64

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Duan Jianye-Blind School Intermediate and Advanced Numerology Lectures Bound Edition


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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