Xu Weigang: The Wise Man Enjoys Water-Liuren Modern Forecasting Classic Page 460

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Xu Weigang: The Wise Man Enjoys Water-Liuren Modern Forecast Classic 460 pages, PDF electronic version for sharing. Yin-Yang and Five Elements is the combined name of Yin-Yang Theory and Five Elements Theory. It is the world view and methodology used by the ancients to understand and explain nature. It is the materialism and dialectics in ancient my country. The theory of yin and yang believes that the world is material, and the material world is born under the interaction of yin and yang.

Xu Weigang: The Wise Man Enjoys Water-Liuren Modern Forecasting Classic 460 pages, PDF electronic version sharing.

Yin-yang and five-element are the combined names of yin-yang theory and five-element theory. They are the worldview and methodology used by the ancients to understand and explain nature. The theory of yin and yang believes that the world is material, and the material world is born, developed and changed under the interaction of yin and yang. The Five Elements Theory holds that wood, fire, earth, metal, and water are the most basic substances indispensable to the material world, and that the material world is formed due to the mutual growth and mutual restriction of these five basic substances. This concept is very important to our country’s ancient materialism. Philosophy has a profound influence and has become the basis of the materialist world outlook and methodology of natural science in ancient my country. Yin Yang and Five Elements are a philosophical concept in ancient China, and a simple materialistic viewpoint for the ancients to understand nature. “Yi” said: “Yi has Taiji, which is the birth of Liangyi.” The so-called “liangyi” is Yin and Yang, so “Yi” also said: “One Yin and one Yang are called Dao.” Yin and Yang refer to the contradictions of things, such as day and night , cold and heat, length, male and female, male and female, movement and stillness, hardness and softness, etc. The Five Elements is a more detailed analysis of everything in the world. The ancients believed that the world is composed of five basic elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. They further believed that these five elements are mutually transforming and restricting each other. As a result, it is transformed and restricted, thus forming the structure and interest of all things in the world. For the law of transformation of the five elements, it can be divided into mutual generation and mutual restraint: 1. Mutual generation: metal generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, and earth generates metal. Fire can overcome gold


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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