Illustrated Classics 04-Illustrated Book of Changes

Jul 16,2024 40 32

Illustrated Classics 04-Illustrated I Ching PDF e-book download. Summary of Contents Most of us Chinese are no strangers to “Book of Changes”, because for thousands of years, since the day it came into being, it has unconsciously influenced our Chinese way of thinking and The principle of doing things, in our subconscious mind, it is like a weathervane, which has penetrated like blood

Illustrated Classics 04-Illustrated I Ching PDF e-book download.

Content Summary

Most of us Chinese are familiar with Book of Changes, because For thousands of years, since the day it came into being, it has unconsciously influenced our Chinese way of thinking and principles of doing things. In our subconscious, it is like a weathervane, already like blood It penetrates into every field of our social life and becomes the cornerstone of Chinese traditional culture. We know that the first classic of “Four Books and Five Classics” is “Book of Changes”, and there are 88 scriptures in “Tao Te Ching” from “Book of Changes”. , Tai Chi… Confucius once said: “Add me a few years, and I can learn “Yi” after fifty years. There is no big mistake.” “As “the head of the group of classics and the source of the Dao”, it has formed a unique Yi-ology research system. The Chinese academic history with Yi-ology as the main body has gradually become the main thread showing the development of Chinese intellectual history. theoretical basis. The thought of “Book of Changes” pays attention to the combination of yin and yang, the response of hardness and softness, and advocates continuous self-improvement and virtue. It uses “—” which symbolizes yang and “—” which symbolizes yin as the basic symbols, and the sixty-four hexagrams formed by overlapping any two hexagrams in the gossip as the basic figure to illustrate everything in the universe. Phenomenon. And through divination to reveal the laws of change in the ways of heaven, humanity, and tunnels. “Xi Ci” says: “One yin-yang is called Tao”. All things in the world change and become masculine or feminine according to the time and place, and this “masculine and feminine change law” is the law of the universe, the law of life, that is, the law of heaven and the way of humanity. The law of change in the way of heaven, the way of authenticity, and the way of humanity that the “Book of Changes” wants to clarify here is also the law that all things in the universe should follow the law of masculinity, masculinity, and femininity. Change is not easy, complex and simple, and it develops in the change, and maintains in the repetition. Harmony and unity. This vigorous, upright, endless, endless vitality is where the spirit of the universe lies, and it is also the principle of life. People can use the natural laws of the universe to establish their own behavioral norms, and when faced with various complex situations, they can understand, respond to, and adapt to changes, so that they can continue to strive for self-improvement and bring development to human society. So in a sense, “Book of Changes” is a guide to real life, a treasure book to seek good fortune and avoid evil. But in modern society, it is not familiar to more people. People think it is very esoteric and difficult to understand, and they all regard it as a “book from heaven”. There are many reasons for this, but it boils down to two main points:

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Illustrated Classic 04-Illustrated Book of Changes


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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