Illustrated Classics 20 – Illustrated Christianity

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Illustrated Classics 20-Illustrated Christianity PDF eBook Download. Introduction This is a book that comprehensively introduces Christianity, from theological content to religious etiquette, from symbols to church buildings, from church establishment to religious reformation, and contains almost all important knowledge of Christianity’s history, doctrine, art and many other aspects. Whether you are interested in Western Christian culture, or

Illustrated Classics 20-Illustrated Christianity PDF eBook Download.


This is a book that comprehensively introduces Christianity, from theological content to religious rituals, from symbols to church buildings, from church establishment to The Reformation included almost all the important knowledge about the history, doctrine, art and many other aspects of Christianity. Whether you are interested in Western Christian culture or those who really want to understand it seriously, you can gain something from this book. The book is generally composed of text on the left and pictures on the right, and uses vivid illustrations to illustrate the content of the article. This kind of arrangement is simple, clear and well-organized, which can quickly satisfy readers’ curiosity and lead you into the colorful cathedral of Christian knowledge. How do doctrines arise and develop? How do factions conflict on the same issue? This book provides you with a detailed introduction. Heaven, hell, original sin and redemption, what are the meanings of these synonymous with Christian culture? This book deconstructs the explanation for you, so that you will no longer be confused. From ancient times to the Middle Ages, from the Renaissance to the Reformation, what kind of changes did Christianity experience along with human society? This book presents them on paper for you. What are the symbols in Western literary works? What does it mean? This book gives you a detailed interpretation of the “Da Vinci Code” in Christian culture.


Christianity has a history of nearly 2,000 years since its inception. It originated in the Roman Empire as early as the first century AD, and was born out of Judaism, which has a longer history. Today, Christianity has spread to all continents of the world, with more than two billion believers, making it the one with the most believers and the widest spread among the world’s three major religions. Because it contains very rich cultural and religious content, it has always been the subject of frequent research in the fields of politics, philosophy, history, culture, theology and art. Some scholars even claim that there are only two main sources of Western culture: Greek and Roman culture and Hebrew and Christian culture—and in fact, Christianity itself is the product of the combination of Hebrew religion (ie Judaism) and Greek philosophy. The British philosopher Russell once said: “The Catholic Church has three origins: its religious history is Jewish, its theology is Greek, and its government and church laws are at least indirectly from Rome.” The Jewish society in Palestine in the first century A.D. inherited the concepts of “Jehovah” and “Messiah” (later translated as “Christ” according to the Greek) in Judaism, and absorbed the Hebrew Bible to become the “Christian” Bible. Old Testament” section. The founder of Christianity is Jesus. The center of his thinking is “love God with all your heart” and “love your neighbor as yourself”. Unfortunately, because of the betrayal of his disciple Judas, the governor of the Roman Empire arrested Jesus and crucified him. On the third day after his death, Jesus rose from the grave and appeared to his disciples, convincing them that Jesus was the Savior who defeated death. After he ascended to heaven, the disciples began to preach the teachings of Jesus with all their heart. Since then, believers formed a group that loves each other and worships God in the name of Christ, and the early Christian church was formed from this. In the next two hundred years, Christianity was persecuted by the Roman Empire as paganism. It was not until Emperor Constantine issued the “Milan Edict” that Christianity became a religion allowed by the government, and then it was further declared a religion. Church of Rome. In 1054 AD, the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church officially parted ways, known as the “Great Church Schism” in history; under the double troubles of foreign enemies and civil strife, the Catholic Church launched eight “Crusades” from 1095 to 1291 in order to restore its power. “; in the sixteenth century, religious reform movements were launched in some European countries, which eventually produced Protestant churches that were free from the control of the Catholic Church. The above contents are introduced in detail in the chapters “Prelude” and “History of the Development of Christianity” in this book. In the course of the development of Christianity which lasted more than two thousand years, this religion has not only enriched its complex theological system, and produced many famous theologians and reformers, but also continuously deepened the understanding of human beings in the field of art. The exploration of the relationship between divinity and humanity has resulted in a rich and colorful symbol system, and many artists who are famous for expressing Christian themes have been born. The former puts forward fresh theories, adapts to the social needs of the development of the times, objectively constantly corrects the contradictions and conflicts between Christian theological thought and social life, and provides it with a rational development path and the possibility of spreading to the present; the latter uses many It faithfully describes the faith relationship between Christian believers and their God in different backgrounds: from the apotheosis in the Middle Ages to the return of humanity in the Renaissance, from the bravado of the Crusades to the Puritans Frugality and simplicity in the movement—With the large number of works of art provided by these artists, we can better understand how Christianity has coordinated the relationship between religion and society during the thousands of years of human society development, and how to get out of this A path of humanity that is brilliant, full of divinity, and always blessed by the “Holy Spirit”. Proceeding from the special theological perspective of Christianity, it provides the Western world with a worldview that is completely different from that of the East. The Christian Church then plans this worldview as the code of conduct and moral standards of Western society, even in modern laws. Can find the shadow of its code of conduct. However, the world view of Christianity is not static. It has experienced the tide of human thought and social changes in different periods, and has been constantly adjusting its own system to match the general direction of social development. Therefore, in a sense, it is the advanced nature of Christianity that has created the advanced nature of the Western world, and it is also the radical nature of Christianity’s repeated reforms that has enabled the Christian world to always maintain the vitality of change and the extraordinary ability to see everything around it. In this book, the editor uses a large number of Christian art works to convey the spiritual core of this religion in a vivid and vivid way, and tries to interpret the history of Christianity in the Western world from a relatively orthodox perspective. Among similar books in China, “Illustrated Christianity” cannot be said to be the one with the most complete information, but it is also a spiritual feast with distinctive characteristics in the book market. An attempt to cooperate. While reading a large number of books for reference, the editor deeply feels his own insufficiency and the difficulty of finding information, so it is inevitable that there will be mistakes in some places, so here we sincerely hope that readers will give us criticisms and suggestions.

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Illustrated Classics 20 – Illustrated Christianity


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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