Zhang Chengda “Heluo Yinyang House Gemology Class Textbook”

Jul 17,2024 28 39

PDF e-book download of Zhang Chengda’s “Heluo Yinyang House Gemology Class Textbook”. Abstract Gemology has a history of thousands of years in our country. Throughout the ages, everyone’s evaluation of “Kanyu” is that the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom: it is really subtle and complicated. It varies from time to time, from place to person, and from person to person. Some people regard it as a philosophy, and some people regard it as a superstition. There are various reasons.

Download the PDF e-book of Zhang Chengda’s “Heluo Yinyang House Gemology Class Textbook”.

Summary of contents

Gemology has a history of thousands of years in our country. Throughout the ages, everyone’s evaluation of “Kanyu” is that the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom: it is really subtle and complicated. It varies from time to time, from place to place, and from person to person. Some people regard it as a philosophy, and some people regard it as a superstition. There are various reasons. Well, let’s talk about the origin of the word “Kanyu” first! The word “Kanyu” was first seen in the Han Dynasty “Historical Records·Ri Zhe Zhuan”, and in the bibliography contained in “Hanshu Yiwenzhi”, there is “Kanyu Golden Chamber” 14 Juan, it can be seen that geomancy has been quite developed in the Han Dynasty. The meaning of geomancy was explained by Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty: “kan, the way of heaven, public opinion, authentic way.” The way of heaven refers to astronomy, and the way of authenticity refers to geography. This is similar to the meaning of “Looking up to observe astronomy and looking down to observe geography” in “Yi Xi Ci Zhuan”. In geomancy, there is less astronomy (the movement of the sun, moon, and stars) looking up, but more geography (the situation of mountains, rivers, water, and soil) looking down, so it is also called geography. Therefore, there are many geomantic books in the past dynasties named after geography, such as “Geography Authentic”, “Geography Tianji Yuan”, “Geography Essentials” and so on. Relatively speaking, geomantic books in the name of Fengshui are very rare. There are only a few volumes of “Fengshui Questions and Answers” written by Zhu Zhenxiang in the Yuan Dynasty and “Fengshui Original Meaning” by Yuan Peisong in the Qing Dynasty. It can be seen that Fengshui is just a common name, and the correct name should be geomancy or geography. So, why is geomantic omen or geography called geomantic omen? This is mainly influenced by Jin Guo Pu’s “Funeral Sutra”. The scriptures say: “Qi rides on the wind and then disperses, and boundary water stops.” The ancients gathered together so as not to disperse, and “walking made it stop”, so it is called Fengshui. It turns out that geomancy attaches the most importance to “angry”, and “angry” avoids wind and loves water, because the wind will disperse the air, so wind is avoided; while water can make the anger condense, so water is preferred. Because geomancy pays special attention to storing wind and gathering water, it is called Feng Shui and it is worthy of the name.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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