Ouyang Chun’s “Fengshui Ershu Shape and Qi Classes” page 548

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Download the 548-page PDF e-book of Ouyang Chun’s “Fengshui Ershu Xingqi Classes”. Brief introduction Mr. Ouyang Chun, with profound ethnology, Dao Cui Dequan has insight into the essence of the Book of Changes. It is said that drawing icons, grids and categories to examine the situation and make the whole story, well and wells can analyze its authenticity and judge its good or bad.

Ouyang Chun’s “Fengshui Ershu Xingqi Classes” 548-page PDF e-book download.


Mr. Ouyang Chun, with profound ethnology, Dao Cui Dequan has an insight into the essence of the Book of Changes, knows the movement of the stars and the calendar, and reads every book. The acupoints are fixed, the air is distributed and the shape is said, and the plots are drawn and the grids are compiled to examine the situation and make a situation. It is well known to analyze its authenticity and determine its good or bad. At the end of the volume, it is more detailed that good and evil retribution follow each other like a shadow. The author’s arguments are correct and the intention of the book is profound. It is a work of geomancy worthy of study. The Shangji Baofu judges the yin and yang, the number, the appropriate stars, the movement of the mountains and rivers, the transformation of the latitude and longitude, and the transformation of the old house. A book can contain several meanings, or a single word can include all the sciences. The big ones are giants and Xuanmian began in Kunlun. Seeking hidden waves, like moon clouds floating outside, leaving left and right, reducing advance and retreat, taking advantage of the truth, not dictation and heart instruction, clear chapters and sentences, omniscience, intelligence, and omnipotence. The more sweaty and ox-filled the book is, the more dazzling and touching it is. The golden essence is no longer difficult for ordinary people. It is difficult to dazzle the jade. Because Jiang’s family only knows about water and dragons but not about mountains, it is not beneficial. Jiang Gong said that the dragon’s cave promises, and he should only know the right words and the ocean’s obviousness. I wrote a book on geomantic omens before. Shi Ping’s words are traced back to the fairy books and the name of the tomb is cleared up in Longge, the sand, the water, the veins, the acupoints, and the Qingtang Bureau. If there is an image in the picture, how would I dare to let beginners explore the source from the shallow to the deep?

Table of Contents

Preface Self-narrative Exemplary Volume One Astral Mercury Illustrated Collection Ancient and Shafa Point Method Attachment Eight Mars Illustrated Attachment Eight Jupiter Illustrated Attachment Twelve Venus Illustrated Attachment Twelve Saturn Illustrated Attached Four Suns Diagram Explanation of Yang Riwu Qu Liao Ri Sun and Taiyin Diagram Explanation of Yang Riwu Fu Liao Ri Sun Vulgar Sun and Moon Shape Rahu Diagram Explanation Attachment 1 Illustration Explanation of Capitals Attachment Attachment 2 Explanation of Qi and Star Diagram Attachment Attachment Attachment 1 Illustration of Yang Gong Nine Stars Five Lucky Poems and Four Ominous Poems Nine Stars, Five Auspicious and Four Ominous Poems Yang Gong Nine Stars Real Body Song Jue Xie Tianji Nine Stars Real Body Song Jue

Dragon Law Class Dragon Searching Method Collection Ancient Upper Dragon Body Eight Demons Big Trunk Dragon Branch Dragon Small Branch Dragon General Map One Old and Nen Biography Figure One Peony Branch Dragon Method Attachment Two Jianjia Branch Dragon Method Attachment Two Wutong Branch Dragon Method Attachment Two Willow Branch Dragon Method Attachment Two Rolling Curtain Palace Examination Longge Attachment Two Qizi Zizhi Longge Attachment Attached picture of two golden rooster title edicts Long grid attached two golden bells and jade mangoes Long grid attached two Hemen decree attached Long grid attached one reed flower whip long grid attached one reed flower curled dragon grid attached one golden ox turning car long grid attached attached two five lectures long grid Attached picture is a thousand silk falling dragon grid. Attached is two dragon car grid. Attached is a phoenix dragon grid. Attached is a nine-day flying silk dragon grid. Figure 4. Flashing pulse attached. 1. Flat multiplication of accumulated qi, water, leftover qi, mud, qi, stone, evil qi, water outlet, dragon hole cutting method, attached drawing, Siluo City Wall Bureau Mingtang General Map, Sizhen Jue

Looking at the Dragon Figure 20 of Class Wanglong

Volume Two, Four Reversals and Three Tribulations, Appendices Four Reversals and Three Tribulations The map of the ancestors with a small bow and the rest of the air on the back of the dragon Guzu map is inserted in reverse.

The gorge veins are like the gorge fetal volts and the bones are peeled off. Attachment 11

Acupoint emotions are three-dimensional three-dimensional sitting body and sleeping body. Attachment five. Sitting body diagram of Wang Huangzu 1. Sleeping body diagram of Huang Shangshu ancestral body in Xinchang County 1. True Lai Zhenshou. Bird’s Nest Shape Map-Yanling Youlan Covering the Beam Bird’s Nest Shape Map-A star-determined acupoint to identify the dragon’s acupoint Winder’s wheel, mastoid, crab eye, goldfish, shrimp whiskers, and mastoid acupoint rise and fall One pulse of qi life chart one shallow burial of ants and deep burial of mildew and dampness chart two horizontal vein true pulse broken pulse leaking pulse stealing pulse flying pulse flat pulse falling pulse long pulse short pulse positive pulse appendix protruding crab eyes goldfish shrimp whisker chart two pincer hole forceps Acupuncture Vessel Attachment VIII Appendix Map of Yizhongminhou, Liuyang County I. Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture Attachment Sipingyang Cave Appendix Map of Wu Jinshi Ancestor in Pingxiang County One Zukong Map of Xiao Jinshi Ancestor in Pingxiang County One Sitting Water Qiaozhuo Cave Appendix Map of Cheng Chengxiang Ancestor in She County One Sleeping Cow Shape Yurao County Luge Ancestor Map One Shadow Cave Stone Cave Appendix Map of Fan Wenzheng Gongzu 1 Map of Ouyang Cong Cishi Cemetery 1 Cavitation Shadow Cave Attachment 2 Appendix Map of Wang Zhuangyuan Zu of Yuyao County 1

Volume 3 Reflection Twelve Method Attachment Attached Falling Head Twelve Method Attachment Twelve methods of battle with attached drawings Orthodox burial method attached with attached burial method attached attached Attached diagrams of the law, attached drawings of reverse and forward methods, attached drawings of reverse and parallel methods

attached drawings of Chaoshan official ghosts, birds and halls Gas Attachment 13 Appendix Deng Jinshizu Map of Pingxiang County 1 Luoxing Luoxing Attachment 3 Appendix Peng Yongzu Zuzu Map 1 Mingtang Water Bureau Attachment 14 Water Bureau Attachment 25 Shangshui Eight Demons

Appendices for urging officials to be rich and urgent for officials to be rich Appendices Yang Wenmin’s official urging map 1 Yang Fangbo’s urging official map 1 Chen Fuxian’s urging official map 1 Zhou Shilang’s urging official map 1 Chen Jiuwan urging official map 1

Shafa Leisha Fa five-star good and bad sand atlas ancient map 232 eight evil spirits in the upper sand Map of Yu’s Ancestor: A Grass Snake Tongue-out Shape Map of Yu’s Ancestor in Xinchang: A Wind Blowing Luo Belt Shape

Nine-Star Point Method Class Jiuxing Point Method Attachment 22

Family Classification Classification of houses, ground wind, houses and acupoints

Auspicious and unlucky acupoints, commentary on twelve grids of auspicious acupoints, appendix of mountains and rivers, a map of Ni’s ancestors, a map of the mountains facing the water, a map of Luo Shiwanzu, and a map of Pingxiang Map of the Ancestors of the Ouyang Family in the Tea Garden – Map of the Ancestors of Chen Huikui in Nanchang – Map of the Ancestors of Wangzhi County in Xin’an – Map of the Ancestors of the Prefect of Ding in Guangxin A map of Gongzu, a map of Shenge’s ancestors, a map of Zhuangyuan ancestors, a map of Taobangyan ancestors, a map of Liu Tanhua’s ancestors, a map of Wu Tianzun’s ancestors, a map of fierce places, 20 grids of Jedi, and 31 grids. Imprisonment official burial method Large burial Small burial Deep burial Shallow burial Suspended burial Borrowing burial Floating burial Surrounding burial Deep burial Drilling burial Wing burial

Some screenshots


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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