Wei Xiang’s Numerology of Huashan Mountain

Jul 16,2024 20 39

Download the PDF version of Weixiang’s Numerology of Huashan Mountain. Introduction This is a very practical numerology training textbook. This book is not only suitable for beginners and intermediate Yixue lovers to study, but also reveals many numerology tricks in the book, which can greatly expand the thinking of Yixue lovers at different levels. This book is a rare training material for horoscope numerology, from the shallower to the deeper, layer by layer. not only

Download the PDF version of Weixiang’s “Numerics of Huashan”.


This is a very practical numerology training textbook. This book is not only suitable for beginners and intermediate Yixue lovers to study, but also reveals many numerology tricks in the book, which can greatly expand the thinking of Yixue lovers at different levels.

This book is a rare training material for horoscope numerology, from the shallower to the deeper, layer by layer. There are not only the achievements of predecessors’ technology after self-sharpening, but also the unique technology that first appeared in books. Whether it is the imagery method, the prediction of the passing years, the moon and the days, or studies, marriage, life and death, etc., there are unique prediction skills.

Since Yu Xiyi, it can be said that he has become addicted to Yiyi and became obsessed. In a word, married Zhou Yi.

In early 1997, I got involved in the Book of Changes, and had a taste of it as an amateur. In 2005, I came into contact with Qu’s theory, and then studied under Mr. Qu Wei. Except for the reunion with family members during the Spring Festival holiday, the rest is all about dealing with testers, master Yixue, brothers and sisters, students and disciples, and countless actual combat cases. I can understand. She was laughed at by her brothers and sisters as a crazy woman who didn’t know the hustle and bustle of the city, and was a monk in the mortal world. I am also surprised, since I plunged into Zhouyi, I often don’t know what the taste of meat and vegetables is, and what is the difference? I have to sigh, this is the charm of Zhou Yi.

Especially in recent years, it feels like a small universe is implanted in my chest, the inspiration field suddenly rises, new discoveries are often made, the heart and lungs are filled with joy, and the numerology system has gradually developed its own characteristics, which is worthy of the silent years.

Despite the lurking demons and obstacles along the way, jealous harassing peers and vicious rumors, however, the sincere recognition of many students, disciples and customers, coupled with the joy of every promotion, have already brushed away these lightly, and continued to indulge in the study of Yi Xue middle.

When a person can arouse the jealousy of his peers, it is more or less a sign of success. Therefore, many colleagues asked me the secret of learning Yixue. I can only say that for Yixue, I can’t say how good the study is, but all the way to today, my feeling is: if you can maintain it for at least five years Quietly alone, in addition to learning from a teacher, dealing with test-seekers, and then being obsessed with the study of the Book of Changes, not being disturbed by the ordinary things of the world, at this time, it is difficult for you to succeed, and everything is afraid of persistence! Because of the long-term practice, the melons are ripe and the fruit will fall, and the karma will come at the right time. When you touch and touch, you will naturally become enlightened. At this time, it is like a person drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or not, until it reaches a place where there is no doubt, it is like meeting a relative at a cross street, and getting great peace and happiness. If you are always throwing things around, it is estimated that it will be difficult for a lifetime. Because inspiration needs time and atmosphere to brew. What’s more, I am standing on the shoulders of giants. What I have acquired is not only technology, but also a relatively lofty Yi-learning vision and a broader Yi-learning thinking. Of course, those who work behind closed doors or who are obsessed with fighting for fame and gain and attacking others are hard to become a real climate.

This book is also a summary of my Yi-learning achievements over the years. It not only allows beginners to get started quickly, but also allows friends with different Yi-learning foundations to get different levels of enlightenment. It pointed out a solid and clear road from the foot of the mountain to the peak for Yi Xue friends. There are not only the achievements of predecessors’ technology after self-sharpening, but also the unique technology that first appeared in books. Whether it is the imagery method, the prediction of the fleeting years, the moon and the passing days, or studies, marriage, longevity, etc., each has its own unique experience. How much painstaking effort and price do you need to pay for each condensed experience, and how many painful lessons you have to experience to realize it ah! Readers are invited to savor all of them carefully.

Below, I will present a Buddhist poem to all readers:

Standing high on the top of the mountain, walking deep under the sea.

The clouds are in the blue sky, the water is in the bottle, and the eyes fall into the deep pit with your fingers,

Xihua is not resistant to wind, frost and bitterness, and says that it travels very deep under the sea.

Table of contents

Chapter 1 Yin Yang and Five Elements

Section 1 Yin-Yang Theory

Second Section Five Elements Shengke Theory

Chapter 2 Quick sorting

Section 1 How to get up quickly

Section 2 How to get up the moon pillar quickly

Section 3 How to rise the sun pillar quickly

Section 4 How to quickly start the hour column

Section 5 How to get lucky

Section 6 How to start the number of shipments

Chapter 3 Stem and branch images

Section 1: Ten Heavenly Dry Imagery Discussion

Section 2 Twelve Earthly Branches

Section 3 Combination image of stems and branches

Chapter 4 Ten God Images

Section 1 The relationship between ten gods and gram

Section 2 The image of the ten gods

Section 3 Image of Ten God Combination

Chapter Five: The Twelve Lives and Deaths

Section 1 Twelve Lives and Deaths

Section 2 Use of the Zodiac of Longevity

Chapter 6 The Theory of God and Evil

The first section discusses stage horses in detail

Section 2 Discussing Canopy

The third section discusses Kuigang in detail

Section 4 Discussing the God of Lu in detail

Section 5: Discussing the Sheep Blade

Section 6 Discussing Peach Blossom

Section 7: Discussion on Heavenly Medicine

Section 8: Discuss generals in detail

Section 9: Discuss the nobles in detail

Section 10: Discussion on the Days of Mistakes

Chapter 7 Quickly breaking the strength of the five elements

Chapter 8 Quick access to magic methods

Section 1 Using the Concept of God

Section 2: Using God to Find Strength and Weakness

Chapter 9 The relationship between fate and fortune

Section 1 The relationship between fate and the fleeting year of the Universiade

Section 2 God is changing

Chapter 10: The Theory of Chen Xu’s Ugly Earth

Section 1 The theory of dry soil and brittle gold producing gold

Section 2: Conditions for Chenxu Chou not turning into wood, fire, water, and gold

Chapter 11 Restraint of life, theory of punishment and harm

Section 1 Heavenly Stems and Five Harmonies

Section 2 Earth Branch Association

Section 3 Controversy

Section 4 On punishment

Section 5 Discussion

Section 6 On Emptiness

Chapter 12 State Prediction

Chapter Thirteen Image Theory

Chapter 14 Actual Combat Fleeting Years, Months, and Days

Chapter 15: Practical academic level

Chapter Sixteen Marriage in Actual Combat

The first section looks at the appearance of the spouse

Section 2 Views on distance between spouses

Section 3 Husband and wife relationship and spouse’s family situation

Chapter 4 Look at the Secrets of Marriage and Divorce

Chapter 17 The actual combat officer is not a prison pass

Chapter Eighteen: Actual Combat Lifespan

Chapter 19 Comparison of various fortune-telling methods

Section 1 The fate of the pattern and the fate of prosperity

Section 2 Jianghu School, Blind School and Study School

The third section does not use prosperity and pattern of fate

Chapter 20 Improved Fate

Appendix 1: How to learn Zhouyi well

Appendix II, Book of Changes Training Class

Appendix 3: Answers to Exercises in Each Chapter

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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