Li Mingcheng “The Mystery of Ziping’s Life Science and Measurement”

Jul 16,2024 46 31

Li Mingcheng’s “The Mystery of Ziping’s Life Science and Measurement” PDF e-book download. (Please refer to the screenshot below for content clarity) Introduction The algorithm of numerology [series] in this book is based on the theoretical framework proposed by the author’s predecessors in numerology, Ouyang Jie, for evolution and improvement. Xianxian Ouyang is a senior numerologist whom the author respects very much.

Li Mingcheng’s “The Mystery of Ziping’s Quantitative Measurement” PDF e-book download. (Please refer to the screenshot below for the clarity of the content)


The algorithm of numerology [series] in this book is the author’s reference to numerology The theoretical framework proposed by the predecessors, Ouyang Jie, has been evolved and improved. Ouyang Xianxian is a numerology predecessor whom the author respects very much. He used the ancient sages’ yin-yang and five-element theory of birth and restraint, that is, only yin (even number) can give birth in the world, and yang (odd number) cannot give birth. If an odd number represents yang and an even number represents yin, then yin meets yang (single number plus even number is still odd), and it is still yang, which is infertile. Only when yin meets yin and yang meets yang (even numbers add even numbers or odd numbers add odd numbers to get even numbers) can there be fertility feelings, so yin and yang have different paths, yang has yang parties, yin has yin parties, yang does not produce restraint Yin and yin do not produce and overcome yang. Yin and Yang cannot be mixed. If Yin and Yang are mixed and there is no way to stay, there will be a danger of fighting. With this theory as the main axis, the idea of “fixed frame selection” is put forward, which is a major breakthrough in numerology.

Some screenshots


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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