Wang Lijun “Advanced Prediction of Man-God Integration”

Jul 16,2024 46 33

Wang Lijun’s “Advanced Prediction Technique of Man-God Integration” PDF, electronic download introduction “Advanced Forecast Technique of Man-God Unity” is a summary and summary of Mr. Wang Lijun’s years of research on I Ching, metaphysics, and arithmetic. It is a profound realization of Confucianism, Buddhism, The return after Taoism. With concise and clear reasoning, with the help of cosmic energy, accurate and easy forecasting practice is achieved. Interpreting the unity of man and God,

Wang Lijun’s “Advanced Prediction Technique of Man-God Integration” PDF, electronic version download


“Advanced Forecast Technique of Man-God Integration” is a summary and summarization of Mr. Wang Lijun’s years of research on I Ching, metaphysics, and algebra In summary, it is a return after profoundly realizing the true meaning of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. With concise and clear reasoning, with the help of cosmic energy, accurate and easy forecasting practice is achieved. It interprets the prediction model of the unity of man and god, the unity of man and nature, the law of my heart, and the law without law. At present, some people in the world of change make “simple” into “complex” and “changeable” into “deadly easy”, which makes forecasting not only difficult to learn, but also the prediction accuracy rate is not high. , to make the prediction of the Book of Changes easy and labor-saving. In response to the strong request of the majority of Xuanyi fans, the “Advanced Prediction of Human-God Integration” is published to the world.

“God” is heaven, and the unity of man and god means the unity of heaven and man. Through practice, using simple yin-yang and five-element calculations, one can penetrate the world. What the enlightened beings say exists. The gods mentioned here are derivatives of the Tao, possessing the nature of the Tao, and Buddhists call it the Buddha-nature. Sex is God, the innate God of man. In layman’s terms, it is the supernatural power of a person, the side with supernatural powers.

Mr. Wang Lijun was born in a family of Yiyi doctors. He has thoroughly read ancient and modern spells, devoutly practiced Buddhism and Taoism, and has a little understanding of the beauty of the unity of man and god. “Advanced Prediction of Human-God Integration” is Mr.’s other works such as: “Human-God Integrated Qimen Dunjia Art”, “Human-God Integrated Name Prediction Technique”, “Psychic Secrets”, “Taishang Fengshui Secrets”, “Taishang Wangqi Method” ” The core content of Taishang Five-tone Method, Taishang Consecration Method and Special Medical Diagnosis Therapy.

“Advanced Prediction of Human-God Integration” is roughly divided into two parts, the first part is the practice method; the second part is the prediction method. The practice method is the process of understanding the universe, mobilizing energy, and imaging in the heart; the prediction method is the process of expressing information, adjusting the layout, and forming on the ground. For example: Practice the Dharma in unity with Guanshiyin Bodhisattva; practice the Dharma in unity with the Supreme Lord. Through simple practice, one can achieve the unity of heaven and man, and the realm of unity of man and god. The book discusses: Practice, whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, is to be able to understand the way of heaven, to pursue a state of unity between man and nature, and the unity of man and god. The art of Zhouyi is to give people a way to use the principles of nature to deduce the Dao. The avenue is invisible, and the avenue is ever-changing at the same time. Tao is different for everyone, so different people infer different truths. But the origin of Tao remains unchanged.

Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets everything. At the same time, all things also return to one, to Tao in a certain sense. The inference method we use is to intercept a layer of Dao, select one point, and gradually approach the original Dao. There are thousands of ways, but in fact, all the ways lead to the same goal. However, the road to simplicity. A true master will not stick to the law, but will be obsessed with the technique. Since Tao has transformed from one into all things, one can be locked. One is the existence closest to Tao. The highest state of spells is to return all dharmas to the ancestors, and to return to the lawless. One sand, one world, that is what it means. Everything has a field since its birth. Through this field, you can clarify your nature, enlighten your wisdom, comprehend nature, and understand the way of heaven.

From the avenue to simplicity, heaven and man are of one mind. When we really forget our thoughts and consciousness, and truly enter the state of forgetting ourselves and forgetting things at this moment, we can immediately communicate with the supernormal energy and information in the universe, and realize that the universe is in my heart, I am in the universe, and I am with you. The universe has the same body and the same origin, is closely connected, and everything is one, and supernormal energy, information exchange, resonance, resonance…

When we are in this state, all mysteries can be discarded, and all theories can be forgotten. The avenue is simple; the avenue is invisible; the avenue is impossible. This is a kind of avenue of nature, returning to basics and returning to the advanced state. In this state of tranquility and inaction, selflessness, unity of nature and man, and unity of man and God, without asking for information, the information comes by itself, without asking for functions, and the functions will appear naturally, so you can “know the world without going out; , see heaven”.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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