“Meng Lin Xuan Jie” Meng Yuan Meng Lun Meng Yu 2 volumes each Meng accounted for 23 volumes Song Shao Yong compiled Ming Chen Shiyuan supplemented Ming Chongzhen’s 2009 edition

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“Menglin Xuanjie” Meng Yuan Meng Lun Meng Ju 2 volumes each Meng Zhan 23 volumes Song Shao Yong Collection Ming Chen Shiyuan Complement Ming Chongzhen 2009 Publication PDF Yi Xue Ancient Books e-book download. Introduction This “Menglin Xuanjie” is a book about dream divination. The title was compiled by Song Shaoyong and added or deleted by Ming Chen Shiyuan. It contains 2 volumes each of Mengyuan, Menglun, and Mengxi, and 23 volumes of Mengzhan (including celestial phenomena, geography, characters, and forms)

“Meng Lin Xuan Jie” Meng Yuan Meng Lun Meng Ju 2 volumes each Meng Zhan 23 volumes Song Shao Yong Collection Ming Chen Shiyuan Supplement Ming Chongzhen 2009 Publication PDF Yi Xue Ancient Books e-book download.


This “Menglin Xuanjie” is a book about dream divination. The title was compiled by Song Shaoyong and added or deleted by Ming Chen Shiyuan. It contains 2 volumes each of Mengyuan, Menglun, and Mengzhen, and 23 volumes of Mengzhan (including celestial phenomena, geography, characters, appearance, political affairs, real objects, buildings, costumes, Fanfu, Feizuo, curiosities, Wenhan, and names) department). This is roughly the ninth year of Ming Chongzhen (1636). my country’s traditional dream divination culture is the result of the study of dreams under the condition of underdeveloped ancient science and technology. “Meng Lin Xuan Jie” records the dream cases of all dynasties and generations before the Ming Dynasty, which can be called the complete book of ancient Chinese dreams. He Dongru said in the preface that this book was originally written by Ge Hong, edited by Shao Yong, added and deleted by Chen Shiyuan, and finally reedited by He Dongru Before, we had a monograph on dreams – “Duke Zhou Interpreting Dreams”. Some people say: dream is the fallacy of natural evolution, and it is the fault of God when he created man. Some people say: Dream is an ancient letter without translation. Some people say: Dream is another cadenza of life. But no matter what one says about dreams, the fact is that we have to dream every day. The difference is that those who know the dream can observe the soul and benefit from it for life; those who don’t know the dream can live as usual without any harm. Dreams are like this, both generous and stingy, the key lies in ourselves. Some psychologists also believe that human dreams are a preview of how the brain will deal with dangerous situations in a virtual environment. Especially nightmares, humans have 300 to 1000 nightmares every year. Some people think that dreaming is because the soul leaves the body after falling asleep and travels through time and space. Therefore, in reality, some people will be surprised by things or things they have seen and experienced in dreams, which is called déjà vu. The emergence of dreams first serves the physiological needs of people, which is the only answer given by natural evolution. Therefore, if any theory of dreams does not explain the relationship between dreams and physiology, then this theory is doomed to fail. Specifically, in our theory, dreams serve the physiological system mainly in the maintenance of the psychological platform. Lucid dreaming, also known as lucid dreaming, means that you can stay awake while dreaming and know that you are dreaming. You can even predict the direction of things, and you can choose someone’s perspective. The deep memory of the body in reality is sometimes substituted into the memory of the body in the dream, so it may passively choose another “story to happen”. A repetition, continuation, and even prediction of a dream, the ability to change the plot of the dream. Some people will suddenly realize that they are dreaming when they are dreaming. When he knows that he is dreaming, he can control himself. This is a lucid dream. In a lucid dream, you can freely control your actions, and sometimes the content of the dream, and even other people in the dream are completely under your control. That is to say, in a lucid dream, you can be the master of the world, you can control everything.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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