Liu Yirong’s “Secret Code of Unique Hexagrams” (Part 1 and 2)

Jul 16,2024 26 44

Liu Yirong’s “Secret Code of the Unique Hexagrams” (upper and lower) PDF e-book download. Brief introduction ○Yili hexagram method is the wisdom essence of the great sages and sages of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. It is a precision supercomputer integrating philosophy, science, mathematics, and high-tech essence. It reveals the natural law of the development and change of everything in the universe through the formal method of “Yi Gua” theory, image, and number.

Liu Yirong’s “Dumen Yi Gua Secret Code” (upper and lower) PDF e-book download.


○The Yili hexagram is the essence of the wisdom of the great sages and sages of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. It is a precision supercomputer integrating philosophy, science, mathematics, and high-tech essence. It reveals the natural law of the development and change of everything in the universe through the formal method of “Yi Gua” theory, image, and number. From astronomy to geography, human affairs, and even ghosts and gods, everything is included. From ancient to modern times, information about everything in the universe is always transmitted anytime and anywhere. It is the great wisdom crystallization of the sacred Yanhuang ancestors over time and space.

○ Lian Han adheres to the spirit of “Yi Li Gua Method” to guide all living beings into Buddhism. Therefore, in addition to practicing, I have been tirelessly studying Yi Gua, in order to understand deeply, keep improving, and enter a new realm of Yi Gua.

○This book is Lian Han’s unique secret method handed down from his ancestors, and the essence and secret purpose of his own study of hexagrams for nearly forty years. Can’t catch. Originally, it was planned to use only handwritten copying and photocopying, and select disciples to teach. After being requested by many students, it was decided to publish it. I hope scholars will cherish it.

○In this world, if you want to go deep into any academic subject, you must spend a long time and energy, use your own intelligence to think a lot, and practice a lot. “Yi Gua” belongs to the science of wisdom, and it is beyond the proficiency of ordinary secular people. “Yi Gua” is also a sacred study, and those who are not virtuous cannot master it. Therefore, those who want to be proficient in this field of learning must not only work hard for a long time, but also pay attention to doing more good deeds to accumulate blessings, correct moral character, and accumulate merits to make them full. This is the prerequisite for intensive study of this field. In addition to practicing Buddhism, meditating every day, and deepening your practice over time, you will naturally comprehend it quickly and reach the depth. Therefore, Lian Han has the principles of “seven don’ts” and “five musts” when teaching apprentices, and students are expected to follow them.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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