Tian Helu Tianfeng “Ancient Chinese Calendar Puzzle Solving” Zhouyi Zhenyuan

Jul 16,2024 29 38

Tian Helu Tianfeng “Ancient Chinese Calendar Puzzle Solving” Zhouyi Zhenyuan PDF e-book download. The original name of the introduction is “Ancient Chinese Calendar Puzzle-Solving the Book of Changes-Zhouyi Zhenyuan”. The author’s research on the basic theory of “Zhouyi” has made great progress and achieved fruitful results in the past few years. These results are now added to the original book, and some original texts have been adjusted and revised. “Zhouyi Zhenyuan: China’s Most Ancient

Tian Helu Tianfeng “Ancient Chinese Calendar Puzzle Solving” Zhouyi Zhenyuan PDF e-book download.


Originally named “Ancient Chinese Calendar Solving Puzzles-Zhouyi Zhenyuan”, the author’s research on the basic theory of “Zhouyi” has made great progress and achieved fruitful results in the past few years. These results are now added to the original book, and some original texts have been adjusted and revised. “Zhouyi Zhenyuan: China’s oldest astronomical scientific system” includes: “Zhouyi Dazhuan” interpretation, “Zhouyi” is what kind of book, the theory of the unity of man and nature – the backbone of Chinese culture, eight diagrams – ancient China The Chinese calendar, the exploration of “Wei Shu”, the hexagram calendar of the Han Dynasty, the prediction of natural disasters, the truth of the Zhouyi, etc. The book “Book of Changes” mainly includes three aspects: first, it is the hexagrams and lines that express the content of the way of heaven, and the Yitu system; second, it is the Yishu calendar system; system. The way of heaven is the foundation, and human affairs are for use, and the calendar is the hub of connecting heaven and man, and the calendar is the key to the unity of heaven and man.

Brief introduction of the author

Tian Helu, male, Chinese medicine practitioner. From studying Chinese medicine to studying “Book of Changes”, I like the study of the image and number of Han Yi and Song Yi. Thesis: “On Taiji Diagram Is the Primitive Astronomical Diagram”, on: “Life and Eight Diagrams – Yiyi Enlightenment”, “Bagua and Hetu Luoshu Deciphering”, new books “Taiji Diagram Solving Puzzles”, “Bagua Solving Puzzles”, “Heluo Solving Mysteries” has been completed, and the content is to study Yixue and ancient science. I have read “Siku Quanshu” Yi Xue and Shushu, Gao Heng, Li Jingchi, Shang Binghe, Liu Dajun, Jin Sufang, Xu Zhirui, Wu Enbo, etc., and “Zhou Yi Research”, “Yi Xue Philosophy History”, ” Xiangshu Yixue Development History, Zhouyi Research History, Zhouyi Research Essays, Zhouyi Zonghenglu, Zhouyi and Modern Science, Great Yi Integration, Great Yi Collection, Excellent Modern Yixue Selected Papers”, “Research on the Application of the Book of Changes”, “Book of Changes on Silk”, “Translation and Notes of the Book of Changes”, “Book of Changes and Ancient Science and Technology”, “New Research on the Theory of Changes”, “New Explorations of the Book of Changes”, “Tracing the Origin of the Book of Changes”, “Table of Changes Explanation of Zhouyi Thought Research, Detailed Explanation of Taiji Diagram, Analysis of Hetu and Luoshu, Zhouyi and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Yi Medicine, Xiangshu Yijingyuan, Zhouyi Explanation, etc. . He is the author of “Unraveling the Puzzles of Ancient Chinese Calendar—Zhouyi Zhenyuan”, for which Professor Tang Mingbang wrote the inscription, and it was published by Shanxi Science and Technology Press in February 1999.

Tian Feng, female, was born in Taiyuan in 1973. She was originally from Hua County, Henan Province. She graduated from the Chinese Department of East China Normal University in 1995. Now he is a lecturer at Taiyuan City Vocational Technical Engineering College. He is the author of the book “Solving Puzzles of Ancient Chinese Calendar—Zhouyi Zhenyuan”. Published many papers.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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Jul 16,2024 未知