Zhang Yansheng’s “Learning of Xiangshu and Logic”

Jul 16,2024 7 38

PDF e-book download of Zhang Yansheng’s “Easy Learning of Xiangshu and Logic”. (For content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below) Introduction Professor Zhang Yansheng has made important contributions to the research and application of Yi-ology: (1) Demonstrated the scientific nature and development of “Xiangshu Yi-xue” in ancient China, and restored the ancient Chinese “Xiangshu Yixue” The necessity and practical significance of the original appearance of “Shu Yi Xue”; (2) pointed out

PDF e-book download of Zhang Yansheng’s “Learning of Xiangshu and Logic”. (Content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below)


Professor Zhang Yansheng has made important contributions to the research and application of Yiology: (1) Demonstrated the scientific nature and development of “Xiangshu Yixue” in ancient China, as well as the necessity and practical significance of restoring the original appearance of “Xiangshu Yixue” in ancient China; (2) pointed out some misunderstandings of Confucianism in history about Yixue;( 3) After 30 years of research and practice, he has explored a set of unique, simple and effective methods for learning, researching, and applying Yi Xue, and has achieved a series of results in practice, and has made contributions to the work of breaking superstition in the Yi Xue circle; (4 ) demonstrates the significance of the thinking mode of Yi Xue for building a harmonious society and world, and how Yi Xue and Yi Gua Yao’s development concepts such as “combination”, “harmony” and “yichang” correspond to and guide our innovative ideas and the acquisition of results (5) On the basis of the above research and development, the “Xiangshu Yixue” based on the “Semiotics” of Yixue was established. some “meaningology” content). Moreover, the connotation of “Yi Li Xue” not only inherits and develops the correct expression characteristics of traditional Yi Xue “Xiang Mathematics” and “Yi Li Xue”, but also has the ability to extensively and deeply inherit, study, develop and express the past, present and The functions and functions of the state, relationship and law of various things in the future, not just maintaining the use of these basic knowledge such as “image”, “number” and “reason” to explain “Book of Changes”, “Book of Changes”, “Zhouyi”, “Zhouyi Dazhuan” and various derivative works of Confucianism on the basis of the explanatory functions and functions of the hexagrams, 彖, image, line, words, biography, sentences, and chapters. At the same time, it also shows that Yixue and “Xiangshu Yixue” are not just “just a kind of probabilistic and explanatory” knowledge that people think one-sidedly, but also a worldview that people must have to understand and express everything and organic dialectical unity of methodology.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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