Pan Ziyu “Ziwei Doushu Predicts Diseases”

Jul 16,2024 5 43

Pan Ziyu’s “Ziwei Doushu Predicts Diseases” PDF e-book download. People in the introduction say that heroes are most afraid of illness. Sickness is not only painful for yourself, but also for your family members. Therefore, it is sad to see many people who have been ill for a long time commit suicide in order not to burden their family members. What is a person’s natural constitution? What diseases are you prone to? It can be seen at a glance from Ziwei Doushu’s horoscope. If possible

Pan Ziyu’s “Ziwei Doushu Predicts Diseases” PDF e-book download.


People say that heroes are most afraid of illness. Sickness is not only painful for yourself, but also for your family members. Therefore, it is sad to see many people who have been ill for a long time commit suicide in order not to burden their family members. What is a person’s natural constitution? What diseases are you prone to? It can be seen at a glance from Ziwei Doushu’s horoscope. If you can know in advance, prevent early and pay attention to health preservation, you will be able to avoid sudden disease disasters that disrupt your life planning, and make your life more perfect and better. We all grew up eating whole grains, and it is inevitable that we will get sick. Sickness is very painful. It not only costs us money and time, but also hinders our academic or career development, and even drags down our family members, relatives and friends. So, how do we maintain our health? How to prevent getting sick? If you are sick, how can you heal? This is what this book wants to tell readers. What is our natural constitution? What diseases are we prone to? This can be clearly seen in Ziwei Doushu. Therefore, first of all, we hope that everyone can draw out their own natal chart, but according to their own natal chart, they can see where they are prone to diseases? That is, the Heart Sutra? Or lung meridian, or kidney meridian, or liver meridian? Or eye disease, or ear disease? Or dental disease, or glandular disease…etc. Then, we know how to prevent it? What kind of food should you eat more on weekdays? Effective prevention, at least, can reduce the chance of getting sick, and our hard-earned money can be used to do other things that are more beneficial to us. The ancients said that heroes are most afraid of suffering. When Qin Qiong (that is, Qin Shubao, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty) fell ill in the inn, he had no money to treat him, so he had to sell horses and maces. Nowadays, many people commit suicide due to long-term illness, and some people live in sorrow and depression all day long because they have sick people in their families. Therefore, anyone must at least have some common medical knowledge, so that they will not panic and lose their minds when they are ill, which will not help, and should be calm and responsive to everything. But what is the explanation for someone who has tried his best to be careful and still suffers from chronic illness? According to ancient books, this is a crime against a white tiger, so may I ask how to resolve the crime against a white tiger? According to ancient books, it can be resolved with (kylin). Qilin was called Ren Beast in ancient times, and it is the only magical tool to restrain the white tiger. Pan Ziyu has now entrusted the old Gai Xian Professor Xia Yuanyu to design a pair of unicorns, and then follow the ancient book to use the Qimen Dunjia method to perform rituals, making them strange and brilliant, and can prevent the disaster of the white tiger. , turning violence into auspiciousness, I hope all readers can buy a pair of unicorns and sit in their homes to keep away white tigers, drive away evil spirits and suppress evil spirits, and welcome auspiciousness and prosperity.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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