He Chunrong “Ziwei Doushu Notebook Master Star Chapter” (Updated Edition) 277 pages

Jul 16,2024 8 41

Download the 277-page PDF e-book of He Chunrong’s “Ziwei Doushu Notebook Master Star” (Updated Edition). (For the clarity of the content, please refer to the screenshot below) In the introduction, a student once asked me which book is suitable for “beginners” to read. I really don’t know how to answer, because too many books are suitable for “beginners”, but everyone’s understanding different, so it is impossible to introduce which books one by one

He Chunrong’s “Ziwei Doushu Notebook Master Star Chapter” (Updated Edition) 277-page PDF e-book download. (Content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below)


A student once asked me which book is suitable for “beginners” to read, I really don’t know how to answer, because too many books are suitable for “beginners”. Pie” reference book. In fact, each teacher’s teaching has its own characteristics and methods. In recent years, I have only been exposed to some information related to “mind maps”, which just connects some of my previous ideas. It will be easy and not easy to forget. The reason why I like to learn “Doushu” is that the information seems to be too much, and it is quite tiring to memorize. However, that is only the difference in the process and method of initial learning, when each star can roughly grasp its characteristics (all together There are hundreds of stars), the phenomenon of its “combination” and “huizhao” is just like cooking, after getting used to the “characteristics” of food and seasoning, you can cook a delicious dish (analyzing a piece of life plate). The outline of the fourteen stars of the main star is explained in this book, and there are still some incomplete details, because this book is aimed at the initial stage of “beginners”, followed by secondary stars, stars such as Zayao and Shensha. Therefore, “Ziwei Doushu Notebook? Substar Chapter” is mainly aimed at substars and miscellaneous gods. I hope that this kind of arrangement can be helpful to the learning environment of “Ziwei Doushu”. I would also like to thank many seniors for their writings, so that I can gain something in my studies. Finally, I would like to thank my mentor Wang Shangde for his teaching, and Mr. Liao Nianfeng (currently the chairman of the Yinyang House Design Professional Union in Taipei City) for sharing his practical experience, which gave me this opportunity to organize relevant materials and compile them into a book. I hope that there are predecessors and sages who will not hesitate to correct me, and I hope that Doushu will have a greater space for academic exchanges in the future. The prototype of this book originated from Meng Chun’s teaching materials in the 1997 year of the Republic of China. Now it has been completely rearranged and added content such as “ancient prose” and “combination of main stars”, so that beginners can “compare ancient and modern”. And pray that you are advanced, can give us advice and guidance.

Some screenshots


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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