Sun Mingxin’s “Golden Key Name Science” 222 pages HD

Jul 16,2024 4 37

Learning the Book of Changes “Golden Key Names” PDF by Sun Mingxin, high-definition electronic version with 222 pages to download. Sun Mingxin’s live study of the Book of Changes is quite popular, and I believe his golden key nomenclature can also bring you a different feeling. Catalog of Golden Key Names: A good name is the golden key to a successful life… Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of the Five Elements…

Live Study of the Book of Changes “Golden Key Name Science” PDF by Sun Mingxin, high-definition electronic version with 222 pages to download. Sun Mingxin’s live study of the Book of Changes is quite popular, and I believe his golden key nomenclature can also bring you a different feeling.

Golden key name catalog: A good name is the golden key to a successful life… Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of the Five Elements Section 1 Five Elements Shengke Section 2 Twelve Earthly Branches Section 3 Ten Heavenly Stems. Section 4, Bagua, Section 5, Hetu, Luoshu and Five Elements, Section 6, Six Parents, Section 7, Yisheng Golden Key, Name Prediction Features… Chapter 2 Basic Knowledge of Text Structure Section 1 Rules for Writing… Section 2 The Shape of Text Section 2 Three sections of strokes…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… up of the modern Yisheng Golden Key The five elements of the five elements… Section 3 The comparison between the surname and the first name. Section 1: Test personality by name… Section 2: Test health by name… Section 3: Test fortune by name… Section 4: Test fortune by name… Section 5: Test official luck by name… Section 6: Test education by name… Section 7: Name Feng Shui Test… Section 8 Name Test Marriage… Section 9 Radical Testing Method Section 10 Name Prediction Skills… Chapter 5 Name Signing Method Section 1 Yisheng Golden Key Signing Fortune Method Section 2 Look at the essence through signature Section 2 Section 3 Look at Personality through Fonts Section 4 Look at Temperament through Writing Power Chapter 6 Points for Attention in Naming Section 1 Choice of Personal Name Section 2 Notes for Company Name Chapter 7 Commonly Used Characters Classification of Five Elements … Section 2 Commonly used characters of the five elements belong to wood Section 3 Commonly used characters of five elements belong to water Section 4 Commonly used characters of five elements belong to fire Section 5 Commonly used characters of five elements belong to soil Chapter 8 Simple analysis of common words for names Encyclopedia of name interpretation…


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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Jul 16,2024 未知