Scanned version of Li Guang’s “Theory of Namers – Auspicious Mathematics and Names”

Jul 16,2024 45 32

Download the scanned PDF version of Li Guang’s “Theory of Namers-Auspicious Mathematics and Names”. (One page of table of contents is missing, and the content of the main text is complete) Introduction This book integrates all the points of nomology and rationally collocates them perfectly, and at the same time maintains professionalism and practicality in order to highlight the key points. This book is for common naming…

Download the scanned version of Li Guang’s “Theory of the Namer – Auspicious Mathematics and Names” PDF e-book download. (one page of table of contents is missing, the content of the text is complete)


This book integrates all the main points of name study into a reasonable collocation, a perfect combination, and at the same time maintains professionalism and practicality in order to highlight the key points. This book briefly introduces the common naming knowledge, and strives to enable readers to master the core technology of naming in the shortest possible time and quickly become a master of naming.

A reasonable combination of culture and folk customs, a perfect combination of meaning and mathematics, will teach you to become a famous teacher in two hours. Practical content, simplified; specific steps, step by step guide. The new hint of numerology, made public for the first time; the confidential form of the famous teacher, exclusively dedicated.

The five major items (quick naming, name interpretation, selection of mathematics, question answering, and Chinese character analysis) are explained in a popular way, so that you can learn it immediately.

Mr. Li Guang, director of the Hong Kong International Yi-Study United Center and expert member of the Chinese Philosophy and Culture Association, published and republished “Tong Kao of Divination” and “Yin Yi Qian Jin” in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Beijing Breaking”, “Six Yao Forecasting”, “Commercial Book of Changes Divination Guide”, “Book of Changes Management” and other works.


Chapter 1 Mr. Li talks about personal naming 1. Naming method with word meaning 1. The sound of the word should be nice 2. The shape of the font should be good-looking 3. The combination should be easy to remember 4. Taboos in naming 5. Appreciation of auspicious names 2. Folk naming method 1. Starting from the horoscope, looking for the five elements 2. What is the four-column horoscope 3. The arrangement of the four-column horoscope 4. Arranging the horoscope 5. The naming method of the five elements Mathematics calculation 3. The fixed format of mathematical auspicious names 4. Perfect naming method 1. Naming steps 2. Naming examples 3. Naming planning book 4. Commonly used words for naming Wuxing fonts 1. Interpretation of diseases and health 1. Prediction of health and immunity by the configuration of the three talents of names 2. Predicting diseases by combining personality and natural character 3. Predicting diseases by combining heaven, man and earth 4. Dangerous combinations of various diseases 5 .Application example 3. Interpretation of husband and wife marriage 4. Interpretation of interpersonal relationship 1. Discussion of pay and gain based on personality and external character 2. Discussion of social ability and career rise and fall based on personality and external character 5. Interpretation of wealth and luck 6. Interpretation of career luck 7. Interpretation of name examples 8. The latest hints of five-element numbers Chapter 3 Mr. Li talks about business naming 1. Naming method with word meaning Naming method 3, Mathematics naming method 1. Naming example 2. Industry naming tends to avoid 3. Mathematics hints to enterprises and products Chapter 4 Mr. Li talks about auspicious mathematics 1, mobile phone number 2, license plate number 3, house number 4, eighty A Mathematics Hint Chapter 5 Twenty Questions on Name Science 1 Question 1: What is the connection between Name Science and the Book of Changes? 4 Questions: What should be paid attention to when naming twelve zodiac signs? 5 Questions: Why is the explanation of the eighty-one number in your book different from other books? 6 Questions: Is the computer naming and scoring accurate? Q: The name should be big or small 9 Q: I named the company Microsoft, is it too small? Is it possible to use the theory of name learning? 13Q: Why do I feel happy when others call me Xiao Yang, but now Xiao Yang, the section chief, has everything against his will? 14Q: What is the meaning of the radical with mouth in the name? Q: What is the metaphorical meaning of the radical with flying in the name? 16: What is the metaphorical meaning of the radical with earth or walking in the name? 17: What is the metaphorical meaning of the radical with knife in the name? What is the meaning of the radical of the army 19 Q: I want to get rich, how to change my name 20 Q: I am ugly and want to be more beautiful, what can I change my name to? Chapter 6 Modern Interpretation of Chinese Characters Five strokes, six strokes, seven strokes, eight strokes, nine strokes, ten strokes, eleven strokes, twelve strokes, thirteen strokes, fourteen strokes, fifteen strokes, sixteen strokes, seventeen strokes, eighteen strokes, nineteen strokes, twenty strokes, twenty-one strokes, twenty-two strokes Twenty-three strokes, twenty-four strokes, twenty-five strokes, twenty-six strokes, twenty-seven strokes

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Scanned version of Li Guang’s “Theory of Namers—Auspicious Mathematical Names”


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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