Co-authored by Su Guosheng and Su Shuangsheng

Jul 16,2024 20 34

Co-authored by Su Guosheng and Su Shuangsheng, “Guizang Zhengjue and Meihuazhenyi” PDF e-book download. Brief introduction to the basic characteristics of “Gui Zang Yi” and its relationship with “Kun Qian”. “Zhou Li Chunguan Zongbo” says “The method of Taidi palming three changes: one…

Su Guosheng and Su Shuangsheng co-authored “Guitang Zhengdu and Meihua Zhenyi” PDF e-book download.


The basic characteristics of “Guitang Yi” and its relationship with “Kunqian” record the authoritative document of “Guitang” which is different from “Zhou Yi” is “Zhou Li”. “Zhou Li Chunguan Zongbo” said “the method of three changes in the palm of Taidi: “Lianshan” on the first day, “Guizang” on the second day, and “Zhouyi” on the third day. There are four”. That is to say: “Lianshan”, “Guizang” and “Book of Changes” are three different divination methods. Their commonality is that all three are composed of 64 individual hexagrams overlapped by 8 sutra hexagrams.

Up to the time of the Three Kingdoms, people had solid evidence of Lianshan and Guizang, and that’s all. As for the theory that “Lian” and “Gui” use seven or eight to keep the same as Zhan, it is only based on the “Yu Gen No. 8” and “Zhen Tun regretting Yu Yu” in “Zuo Zhuan” and “Guo Yu”. As for the Han people calling “Lianshan” as Xiayi, and “Guizang” as Yinyi and Huangdiyi, it is just a conjecture that has no basis in history. Excluded that Wang Yinglin of the Southern Song Dynasty mistakenly took other people’s annotations “Huang Di got the river map, and the businessman’s day “Gui Zang”” as the main text of “Shan Hai Jing” and compiled it into the similar book “Yu Hai”, and “Zhou Li” is also the earliest record Documentation of “Gui Zang”. Everyone knows that “Zhou Li” is an ancient classic that was published late in the Western Han Dynasty. It was written by Confucianists who absorbed the thoughts of Legalism, Yin-Yang and Five Elements from the Warring States Period to the Qin Dynasty in pursuit of “great unification”. Therefore, the “Guitang” cited by him must have appeared in the pre-Qin period. “Book of Rites·Li Yun” quotes a passage from Confucius: “I want to observe Yin Dao, it is the old Song Dynasty, but not enough. I have “Kun Qian”. “Kun Qian”… I think it is. “The “kunqian” in the sentence is by no means the inversion of the word Qiankun, nor can it be equated with “yin and yang”, but refers to the hexagram represented by the hexagram Kun and the hexagram Qian. Confucius said: “In order to investigate the system of the Yin Dynasty, I went to Song State (the country founded by the descendants of the Yin people), but I couldn’t find enough evidence. I only got the hexagram “Kun Qian” handed down from the Yin Dynasty.” The method of hexagram divination can be learned from this book.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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