Zong Longzi Zhang Zhongshan’s True Explanation Seeking the Truth.pdf

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XZFS0853 Zonglongzi Zhang Zhongshan’s True Explanation and Seeking the Truth.pdf

Siku Quanshu Summary: “…For example, Kun Renyi’s giant door came out from the beginning, and it has always been annotated family, it is rare to be able to detail its origin.” The book “Zhang Zhongshan Zhijie Xunzhen” discloses the secret purpose of “male and female”, directly reveals the origin of “Kun Renyi Jue”, and clarifies the “City Gate Jue” The usage explains the profound meaning of “Seven Stars Robbery”. He also advocated and clarified the different functions of “yin and yang treatment and mutual roots”; distinguished the difference between “feng shui and prediction”. He is the first person who can directly expose “male and female” for thousands of years! Feng Shui is no longer mysterious, no need to have white hair and a bright head, it can be done in a few months! If you don’t read this book, you will learn geography in vain! The author is the only person in the Feng Shui world who has written a book calling for Feng Shui to kill Xuankong Flying Stars! Zhang Zhongshan is the thinker of today’s Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui. In fact, Zhang Zhongshan’s “study and think” and “solitary enlightenment and true interpretation” come from the preface of his book. The Xuankong Flying Star Feng Shui obtained completely violates the edict of Mr. Yang! Xuankong Flying Star Fengshui has been vigorously promoted by Shen Zhufeng, Zhong Yiming, and Wang Ting for nearly a hundred years. In this book, he discusses in detail that Zhang Zhongshan does not understand the purpose of the scriptures. In fact, he is a male and female method to forcefully explain the purpose of the scriptures. The book also points out the way for those who study the scriptures, so that scholars will not get lost. Contents: Preface: Why did you write “Seeking the Truth”? Zong Longzi’s brief introduction Preface “Geographical Discrimination of Zhengzhi” Self-narration “Geographical Discrimination of Zhengzhi” Postscript “Geographical Discrimination of Zhengzhi” Postscript One of the Qingnang Sutra [Volume 1] [Volume 2] [Volume 2] Volume 2 Preface to Qingnang Volume 3: Qingnang Austrian Language Volume Four Heavens Jade Sutra [Part 1] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 2] Volume 5 Dutian Baozhao Sutra [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 2] Appendices Finding the True Roots of Fengshui, Geomancy and Guizong, The True Theory of the Five Classics “The Difference between the Treatment of Yin and Yang and the Use of Mutual Roots” “Essays from Teachers” Reveals Falsifications About “Bianzheng” and the Five Classics 』——Li Shiguo, president of Guangdong I Ching Association, Tizong Longzi has a series of [epoch-making] Fengshui writing plans, advocating Fengshui “returning to the original source – returning to the origin” in Yang Gong. Many people have questioned whether Yanggong Fengshui has become “outdated”? The society is constantly progressing, and scientific innovations are also changing with each passing day. Does the principle of Feng Shui need to be replaced with a new one? Such doubts are reasonable. Therefore, I have done a lot of proofreading work, thoroughly investigated the principles and laws of each Fengshui family, and experienced countless verification experiments, and then reversed the law of “Yin and Yang in Yili”, thus breaking through the gap between “Yin and Yang in Fengshui and predicting Yin and Yang”. The similarities and differences between Yin and Yang in Fengshui are “yin and yang mutual roots”, and prediction of yin and yang is “yin and yang treatment”. The ones that can be intertwined with yin and yang are male and female, and they can copulate and circulate. The treatment of yin and yang is that yin is yin by itself, and yang is yang by itself; the treatment of yin and yang is that they act independently. That is to say, the treatment is in sharp contrast. Since the contrast is sharp, isn’t it that the good and the bad are obvious? Understand the difference in usage of yin and yang, and be able to identify the foundation of each school of feng shui, and those who can conform to the principles and laws of yin and yang are the “truth, goodness and beauty” feng shui laws, no matter which school or school it is. If it does not conform to the principles and laws of Yin and Yang mutual roots, it is not the real principle of Fengshui, it is the category of prediction, that is, the principle of false Fengshui. “Qing Nang Preface”: “Yang Gong looked at male and female in retirement, and all books in the world have different pairs.” After studying the principles and laws of the hundred and twenty schools of feng shui, I finally understood the origin of the hundred and twenty schools of feng shui, and finally understood the reason why “all the books in the world are different”. I finally understand that it is wrong to replace the old with the new. We should first inherit and then develop instead of completely abandoning it. Inheritance does not disregard authenticity and falsehood, and it is necessary to understand the “true foundation” before it can be inherited. And the root of metaphysics lies in “Yin and Yang”. Therefore, to study Yi Xue, we must “return to the root and seek the root”. Tasting this, it is all a theory of discarding the root and chasing the end.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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