Information name: Mr.催老师催文舉徒徒卯木2022盲派命理基础課程视频28集
Profile Number: 22B09081
Data Size: 938.26MB
Language: Chinese
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File directory. –/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/09/22B09081. Mr. Tuo teacher Tuo Wenju apprentice Mao Mu 2022 Blind School of Numerology Basic Course
01 Pre-School Instructions.mp4 23.70M
02 The Five Elements of Yin and Yang (shallow talk about changing one fortune).mp4 29.39M
03 Five Elements Yin and Yang Heavenly Stems.mp4 61.56M
04 天干 做功.mp4 76.49M
05 Five Harmonies Doing Work.mp4 57.56M
06 Doing Work Self-Harmony.mp4 28.01M
07 Twelve Earthly Branches.mp4 35.08M
08 Twelve Earthly Branches.mp4 41.26M
09 Earthly Branch Hexagrams Sanhe.mp4 33.64M
10 Earthly Branch 6 Onset.mp4 24.46M
11 Earthly Branch Six Through.mp4 27.71M
12 Earth Branch Semi-Harmony.mp4 12.58M
13 Hua Gai Zhong Shen.mp4 22.53M
14 Yima Kui Gang Qing Long.mp4 14.28M
15 Earth Branch Conjunction.mp4 27.98M
16 Three Punishments Open Treasury.mp4 38.20M
17 The Ten Gods.mp4 36.53M
18 The Ten Gods of Sangha and Sangha.mp4 26.19M
19 Analyzing the Four Pillars.mp4 38.37M
20 Zheng Yin.mp4 38.17M
21 The Lords and how to resolve them.mp4 29.55M
22 Eros.mp4 31.14M
23 Injury.mp4 18.35M
24 Positive Cai Bi-Cai.mp4 29.17M
25 Zhengguan 七杀.mp4 31.14M
26 Bi-shoulder Bi-jack.mp4 27.30M
27 Passing the Three Passes Brother Pass.mp4 32.16M
28 Face.mp4 45.76M
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