Li De Feng Shui video course 38 episodes

Jul 18,2024 29 35

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Lecture 01: the same home, different feng shui master has seen, different claims why?

Lecture 02: Which direction is the best for residential houses?

Lecture 03: How can I know if the person living in this house has a noble person?

Lecture 04: What is the outside environment of a house that is good for your son?

Lecture 05: Women are strong and men are weak, caused by the topography of the west high and east low

Lecture 06: A high rise in front of the right side of the house causes the male owner to be in jail

Lecture 07: The front door is on the right, and the janitorial room is also on the right, leading to the company right and wrong mouth, and the wealth comes and goes

Lecture 08: The garbage can on the right side of the desk, leading to the boss right leg injury

Lecture 09: Which years the white tiger will be powerful and bring disaster to the owner?

Lecture 10: \”two doors opposite each other, there must be a family retreat\” is the meaning of what?

Lecture 11: Tallness in front is a bad feng shui that hinders business development and growth.

Lecture 12: The eyes of the owner of the house, the heart is bad, where is the problem with the external environment?

Lecture 13: What is the situation in the north of the house, women do not have children, no children?

Lecture 14: Why is the second child in the family rich?

Lecture 15: What is the meaning of the mountain, the mountain, the case, the hall and the guard?

Lecture 16: How to use the compass and determine the eight directions and twenty-four hills

Lecture 17: How to distinguish between auspicious sand and auspicious water?

Lecture 18: Which position affects the boss and the male owner of the house?

Lecture 19: What is the meaning of \”When fire burns the gate of heaven, it will hurt the master\”?

Lecture 20: The Northwest position is defective and the company is short of money

Lecture 21: The office can see that the boss has a pair of beautiful children.

Lecture 22: Women have no status at home, no career outside the feng shui pattern.

Lecture 23: Each of the three daughters is beautiful, and the mistress is virtuous and homemaker.

Lecture 24: The official is clean, the wife is virtuous and the son is filial

Lecture 25: Western boiler room in the factory, young female employees can\’t keep

Lecture 26: West and northwest at the same time see water, the oldest, the second, the third family are rich

Lecture 27: Why are there more people with pets after 2004?

Lecture 28: What position is vacant and not good for the son?

Lecture 29: What position is vacant and the woman in the family has problems with her kidneys.

Lecture 30: What is the feng shui pattern for a brilliant and prosperous career of a son in the family?

Lecture 31: This direction has tall buildings and tall trees, which is a prosperous phase of Wen Qu Xing and is good for children studies.

Lecture 32: This direction of the house is wide and open, which is easy to bring wealth.

Lecture 33: If there is a fire bane in the house, the owner will be prone to acute illness.

Lecture 34: These feng shui brakes, you should pay attention to

Lecture 35: Don\’t ignore the invisible brakes in your home

Lecture 36: People at home are prone to eye diseases, not without reason

Lecture 37: The nine purple and white stars of the third year and nine fortunes.

Lecture 38: The nine stars\’ trajectory – the New Year Day plate







  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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