Mr. Luo Tian speaks on Shenxiao school spells (6th period) audio text material

Jul 18,2024 2 31
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Information name: Luo Tian teacher lectures Shenxiao school spells (sixth)

Resource Number: 22B08108

Data Size: 8.03MB

Language: Chinese

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Content Introduction:
The Shenxiao School is a sect of Taoism. In the late Northern Song Dynasty, it evolved from the Tian Shi Tao and was represented by Wang Wenqing and Lin Lingsu. It is said that the practice of this method can serve the ghosts and gods, cause thunder and rain, and eliminate harm and avoid disasters. Its theory is based on the unity of heaven and man, the induction of heaven and man, and the unity of inside and outside. It is said that the sky and I are one body, and the human spirit is connected with the sky and the five elements of yin and yang, and this sense will be answered by the other. This set of law for the real God of the sky thunder method is not commercially available ordinary spells can be compared. This set of secret law will be systematic learning, later will have practice will, drive the cure a say, more will give you the thunder law which mouth work includes the ancestral gas astral

Training content:
1, divine sky thunder chapter secret number (this method is the divine sky school generations of ancestors taught in the altar under the disciples of a heart seal, this heart seal into the talisman can directly sense the ancestor, can get immortal true protection, the devil latent elimination.)
2. (The Jade Qing Zhu Lei Zeying drive treatment method (perform this method in the altar, a thousand calls a thousand responses, ten thousand calls a million spirits, to drive away evil and cure the evil, as one of the family great method.)
3. The first of these is to make sure that the person who is in charge of the project has a good understanding of the project.
4. The Gods of the sky Su Gong Zhenzhi treasure talisman (where the gods of evil, can be used to suppress this method, put on the door, all the evil retreat.)
5. The newest and most important is the newest and most important is the newest and most important.
The first of these is a new one.
6. The first of these is the \”God Heavenly Temple\”.
(The main point is that the practice of a method can be blessed by the ancestor.
7. The Gods of the sky to avoid evil body protection call practice (in the past, there is a real Yang perform the law in the three temples, the collection of evil innumerable, all master mouth to mouth, when the real Yang body protection in this law, can enter and exit the evil in the flat.)
8. The God of the sky Yin Shuai seventy-two marquis talisman (not seventy-two, but Yin Shuai regulates seventy-two marquis to this house to cure the evil, this talisman is very powerful.)
9. The Gods of the sky cut off the essence of the demon sweeping law (Gods of the sky to exorcise the great law, can sweep away a party of demons and evil, the cultivation of the great success of this method can be used to cut down the altar

The main reason for this is that it is a good idea to use this method.
10. The Gods of the sky nine real thunder gas to take the law (to take the gas in the drawing of the talisman is very important, usually the gas taken by the three light five ancestral gas astral, but did not know that there are nine real thunder gas can enter the talisman.)
11. The Gods of the sky Wang Lei great protection of the body to the wonderful talisman (Wang Shuai protection talisman a, this talisman can only be used to protect the body, usually the best mage also wear this talisman, can get Wang Shuai induction.)

12. God Xiao Yin Lei Taiyue talisman (everyone has the time to commit Taiyue, as long as you wear this talisman, the effect of good, this talisman line up only manage Taiyue.)

File directory.


/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/08/22B08108. Luo Tian Shen Xiao Pai (six issues)-360
01. The Secret Number of the Thunder Chapter
Thunder Chapter Secret Number.mp3 456.47kb
The secret number of the Thunder Chapter of the Divine Heavens.docx 119.41kb
02. Yuqing thunder and lightning policy
Yuqing zhulei zhi ying repellent treatment.docx 113.43kb
Yuqing all thunder policies should be driven away.mp3 636.47kb
03. The secret decree of Wen Gong order
The secret decree of Wen Gong order (use this method before performing the law).docx 11.37kb
The secret decree of Duke Wen order.mp3 1.05M
04. Su Gong Charm of Suppressing the Dead
Su Gong talisman.docx 56.41kb
Su Gong talisman.mp3 317.95kb
05. Thunder Shadow Incarnation
5. Thunder Shadow Incarnation.mp3 1.12M
Thunder Shadow Incarnation.docx 106.77kb
Grip.mp4 508.78kb
06. Ming Tan Casting
6. Ming altar casting.mp3 363.09kb
Shenxiao Ming altar casting method: Venerable in front of the altar, performing the method.docx 11.46kb
07. Protecting the body and warding off evil spirits
7. Protecting the body and warding off evil spirits.
Shenxiao body protector and evil-cleansing practice: the former Yang Dazhen.docx 11.67kb
The technique used.mp4 289.95kb
08. Yinshuai Seventy-two Waiting Points
8. Yinshuai Seventy-two Waiting.mp3 535.22kb
Fu Tau.mp4 368.19kb
Yinshuai Seventy-two Housewives.docx 164.19kb
09. Cut off the slain essence and destroy the devil sweeping method
9. Sanguinarian essence exterminating demon sweeping method.mp3 451.55kb
Shenxiao slain essence exterminating demon sweeping method.docx 28.64kb
10. Taking the nine real thunder gas (for drawing talisman to take the air)
10. Take nine real thunder gas.mp3 357.05kb
Taking the Nine True Thunder Qi.docx 11.19kb
11. Wang Shuai protection
11. Wang Shuai Body Protection.mp3 260.16kb
Wang Shuai Body Protection.docx 49.44kb
12. Taiyang talisman
12. Taiyang Fu.mp3 336.38kb
Taiyang Talisman Direct Edict Talisman.docx 35.95kb

Screenshot of material.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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