Sanduo teacher Fa Gua class (4th period) recording text pictures

Jul 18,2024 44 32
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Information name: Sanduo teacher Fa Gua class (4th period) audio text pictures

Source code: 22B08098

Data size: 20.83MB

Data language: Chinese

Download method: Baidu Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Email any one of three ways

Three buckets of legal trigrams lesson (fourth) recording text pictures. A very rare Fa Gua course. Red packet net disk share, interested friends WeChat contact

Fa Gua has an important place in the Taoist system since ancient times, a trigram in the hand can pass to the gods
But this Fa Gua is not just buy one on the Internet can be used, a Fa Gua it is important magic weapon
It must be opened and refined, invoke the gods to protect the trigrams to be able to use a hundred times,
Especially the Master gave the most powerful magic trigrams. In the class will explain in detail the use of the magic trigram.

Teaching content
1:The types of Fa Gua.
2:The method of enchantment.
3:The three methods of playing the magic trigrams.
4: What is the holy trigram and what it represents.
5: What is the Yang trigram, representing the meaning
6: What is the yin trigram, representing the meaning.
7: How to use the trigrams to communicate with the gods.
8:The method of asking the divine trigrams.
9:Cause and effect to check things.
10: the law trigrams to check things to break the word.
11:How to communicate with the ancestors in the nether world using the method of trigrams.

12:How to use the Fa Gua to check the wrongdoers.
13:How to use the trigram to check the past life karma.

Document directory.


/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/08/22B08098. San Dou Teacher Fa Gua Class IV
Lesson 1

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Fa Gua-11-27.mp3 3.78M
Lesson 2
2021-12-29 103832.jpg 198.24kb


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Fa Gua Lesson – 11-27.mp3 1.83M
Lesson 3
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Spiritual Sign-11-28.mp3 874.59kb
Text 1.pdf 7.92M

Screenshot of information.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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