Mingde Beidou Ruyi Lantern Array video information pictures

Jul 18,2024 10 34
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Information name: Mingde Beidou Ruyi Lantern Array Video information pictures

Source code: 22B08074

Data size: 10.08MB

Language: Chinese

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《Ganxing Shijing》: \”The Big Dipper is called the seven governments, the marquis of the heavenly powers, also the emperor for the car.\” The emperor was sitting on the seven stars of the Big Dipper to inspect the four directions, set the four seasons and divide the cold and heat.

This method: can add to increase their own force power and puja altar energy, add string ornaments light open items, plus the energy of the charm hold, in any law also things can use light this formation, let the fruit effect More obvious, the line of law more like getting fish water, more can pray for themselves and their families

The following is a list of the following
1. How to set up the Northern Light Dou Array
2. How to channel the energy of the Big Dipper
3. The direction of placing the North Light array
4. The key points for activating the formation
5. How to add the energy of the spell
6. How to add energy to oneself and to the altar
7. The use of formations in puja lights
8. The use of light formations to pray for the blessing of people at home

Document directory.

/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/08/22B08074. Mingde Beidou Ruyi Lantern Formation
SVID_20210617_194015_1.mp4 6.32M
Beidou Ruyi Lantern Array-06-17.mp3 3.36M
Beidou Ruyi Lantern Array.docx 292.72kb
Seven Star Light Array.pdf 114.67kb

Screenshot of material.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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