《 Heavenly Dao Sutra 》 Founding Part – Origin Volume

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After an unknown amount of time, a fetus was born from the intersection of light and darkness in the chaotic fetus, and slowly, after an infinite amount of time, a true spirit was born in the fetus, which is the founding spirit, also called the chaotic spirit. It is the first life in the world.

Second, (chaos yuan qi) chapter: before the formation of heaven and earth the great world is a blank state of yuan qi, this yuan qi name chaos yuan qi, is a mixture of light and dark two attributes yuan qi, which contains two diametrically opposed energy properties, using the culture here can be called yin and yang yuan qi.

Third, (innate true spirit) chapter: after the birth of the founding Yuan Ling, has been in the chaotic yuan qi, I do not know how long, the Yuan Ling found his body has two kinds of energy intertwined, a bright upward energy for the mixed energy. There is also a dark and cold energy for chaos energy, which is what you call yin and yang energy. The founding spirit felt that having two types of energy in his body caused his true spirit body to have two uncomfortable experiences that were diametrically opposed. So it decided to separate the two types of energy in its body, and then after an infinite amount of time, it finally separated the chaotic energy in its body, forming two bodies of light and darkness. But when it wanted to put the innate true spirit (spiritual wisdom) into the light body but found that its true spirit can not enter the new body, because its true spirit is born from two kinds of energy, there are two properties, into any single energy body can not enter, and at this time the world is still composed of chaotic energy, and the spirit has separated the body of two parts, their true spirit and the world has a great incongruity, helpless or heavenly will The innate true spirit disintegrated into countless yin and yang spirit wisdom spread in a blanket of chaotic yuan qi, this is the innate true spirit, is not the body of the innate spirit wisdom.

Fourth, (Heavenly Ancestor) chapter: When the founding Yuan Ling dissipated, it divided that part of the light energy body, automatically rejecting the dark energy around the body, squeezing the dark energy to the other side. So again after a long time, chaos yuan qi also divided into two parts, part of the light part of the darkness also known as the yin and yang yuan qi, the original spirit of light when it split out of the body in the light yuan qi after an infinite amount of time, automatically absorbed a lot of innate true spirit spread out the yang spiritual intelligence. Later on, an autonomous Great Light Spiritual Intelligence was produced. Because it represents the will of the founding Yuan Ling who wanted to transform all of himself into the Yang nature of the Yuan Ling body, representing the will of the Heavenly Dao is the split of the Light. So it is the total leader of the light power side in the future: the ancestor of heaven, is also the first \”light enlightened\” after the opening of heaven.

Fifth, (Heavenly Demon Ancestor) chapter: after the founding of the original spirit dissipated, it divided out of the part of the dark energy body, slowly at the same time also produced a spiritual intelligence is the later Heavenly Demon Ancestor, is the world largest demon, is the total leader of the dark power. Called the first \”dark enlightened one\” after the opening of the sky.

Sixth, (Reincarnation Origin): Reincarnation came into being slowly after the Heavenly Path Ancestor and the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, and is an invisible web of life that naturally forms between light and darkness. For a moment, we can think of reincarnation as a passage with openings at both ends of the hollow, in which beings who are not yet enlightened are connected to the light on one side and to the darkness on the other. When I say one side, I do not mean that the two ends are connected with light and darkness, but actually they are interspersed with each other. If a person soul is getting purer and purer, then he will slowly reincarnate on the light side. If the person soul becomes more and more turbid, then he will slowly reincarnate to the dark side a little bit until completely into the darkness, this is the origin of reincarnation, metaphorically speaking, is actually the life of all beings differentiator, is the nature of the heavenly path is not by the gods and Buddhas.

Seven, (light darkness) chapter: just now someone left a message asking me why practitioners have to get rid of the devil, according to the devil is also a kind of heaven, is also a founding elemental spirit differentiated from the why must get rid of the devil? I think no one really understands this problem, today I am here to make clear in the end why? Darkness is also what we call the devil has a proprietary characteristic, this characteristic is all the devil, more or less, there are such characteristics, which is also the biggest characteristic of darkness. This characteristic is the absorption and assimilation. For example, if you look at the picture of the universe, what do you see? In addition to the stars is darkness. In other words, you can\’t see anything in the darkness, except darkness or darkness. And where there is light you can see all kinds of stars. This characteristic also applies to all the world, if you do not understand in their own house to turn off all the lights you can see what? Some people say I still see a lot of things, that because your house is not completely dark and there is still light, when it completely dark there will be nothing but darkness, that the characteristic of darkness, everyone should keep in mind the characteristics of light and darkness, I\’ll talk about the relationship between darkness and light and all beings. I will talk about the relationship between darkness and light and beings.

Eight, (the path of darkness) chapter: when a living entity in the reincarnation of the soul fell, then it will slowly move to the dark side, until finally out of reincarnation completely into the darkness. Including my reincarnation chapter about the soul turbid life will slowly cast lower, until finally his soul broken, soul power will be completely into the darkness. The same goes for demonic practitioners, when the demon cultivation to a certain level can also jump out of reincarnation, but jump into the dark side. Then I said earlier the characteristics of the darkness, these beings into the devil think they are free, to absorb the magic of other beings for a living, power progress quickly. The dark side is relatively much faster than the light side of the power progress. But all beings do not know that when he falls completely, even if the soul is broken his spiritual power will not run into the darkness. When the demon practitioner out of reincarnation, is when he was buried to lose himself, all the demons, no matter what kind of life form the final end is to increase a part of the power of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, will be completely absorbed by the Heavenly Demon Ancestor assimilation, lose themselves. This so-called big devil eat small devil this is the natural way of heaven. But a lot of beings in the invisible into the devil. To these beings can be said to have an invisible dark mouth waiting for you, when you feel finally jump out of the cycle of reincarnation is also the time when these people completely dead, so that the end of those who become demons is actually sad. Remember the nature of the devil is assimilation absorption, in the darkness in addition to darkness or darkness, you will always be in the darkness can not see the stars everything.

Nine, (the path of light) chapter: the following I will talk about the path of light. What can we see in the light? The various stars and galaxies in the universe, right? This is actually the rule of heaven, where there is light you can see all things. One of the most important characteristics of our light enlightened beings is that they exist independently of each other, but they all have the Light One Dharma body. This is not very well explained, that is to say, the light cultivator and all the enlightened beings from the reincarnation, is a single existence will not be assimilated, as I said earlier you can see the stars in the place where there is light, each star is an independent existence. So that we light cultivators to the end is to find the original you, that is, the founding of the original spirit of the light spirit wisdom of the original split you. Each is an independent existence will not lose itself, but we all belong to the Light One Dharma body.

X. (Heavenly Demon to Goodness): I have spoken here many people may think that the greatest evil person in the world is the Heavenly Demon Ancestor. I think many people will think so. But the actual situation is exactly the opposite. I remember when I and my brothers and teachers who had just arrived in the world of the Heavenly Way, we all praised the Ancestor for his immense merits and virtues. After hearing this, the ancestor did wave his hand and gave us the following quote, which I will probably translate for you to understand: (The greatest merit under the Heavenly Way is not me, but the great devil in your heart, \”Heavenly Devil Ancestor\”. Heavenly devil and I was one, one light and one dark but both inherited the will of the founding spirit to complete the dao of heaven. (If I paid for the blood and efforts to complete the heavenly dao, then the heavenly devil ancestor paid for the life, so the heavenly devil ancestor is the greatest merit and the greatest good). I don\’t know if you understand, I\’ll explain the above paragraph again. That is to say, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor is actually contributing to the Heavenly Way, because the Heavenly Way was born at the beginning of the division of the true spirit inside the original two attributes of light and darkness, that is, the ordinary population of good and evil, right, may say so you understand some good. And heavenly devil ancestors just attract the true spirit of beings in that part of the evil ideas added to their own bodies. I have spoken before I do not know if you look carefully, in my heavenly world there is a Yuan Ling stone when the reincarnation of beings are into the devil will be self-cracking destruction of all the devil. Heavenly devil ancestor also knows his final result, which is the will of the heavenly dao. That is to say, the path of Buddha out of the reincarnation, the demon and dissipated also out of the reincarnation, the reincarnation of the empty is the Yuan Ling stone to destroy the demon, destroy who? In fact, it is the Heavenly Demon Ancestor. Because in fact at that time only he a devil. So the heavenly devil ancestor sacrificed himself to fulfill the completion of this heavenly dao, and forever carrying the title of the first great devil, with the words here explain know the results will die still doing what they should do, is the biggest sad figure. Heavenly devil ancestor is like an old man who always hides in the darkness and sees himself towards death day by day, I don\’t know who of you can understand this kind of mood this kind of thing, and who can do it so selflessly. When the whole world misunderstood him, only his other half of the Heaven Path Ancestor understood him. He sacrificed himself to channel all the demonic thoughts of all beings under the heavenly path, and finally destroyed with himself. That is why the Heavenly Path Ancestor gave us the first lecture about how the Heavenly Demon Ancestor is the true supreme goodness, the one who has the greatest merit under the Heavenly Path, and I think this should be made known to you.

Postscript: I have also finished speaking, in fact, I did not want to talk to you about this matter now, one is afraid that some so-called righteous people do not know, saying that I advocate the devil goodness to future generations of disciples, because many things in this world will be passed around completely changed, so unauthorized alteration of the original meaning of the scriptures is a very heavy sin. The second is that every time I think of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor heart also does not feel good, but also think of my loved ones benefactors since my tired life, knowing that to lose also can not save everyone. I think the ancestor should also feel the same way every time he thinks of his other dark self, otherwise he would not have given us the first Dharma talk about the heavenly devil to the good. We practitioners actually have demons in our bodies as well as mortals, and every time the Everlasting Life Jedi or Divine Fertility Jedi cultivates a complete layer, they have to cut away the demons in their own bodies, which is actually the source of the three disasters in the three plagues and nine tribulations of practitioners. In the five elements top realm, yin and yang top realm, chaos top realm each need to cut off their own demons once, three times before they are truly liberated. So the road is still long, now although the Earth demons more, but the world in general, is a little bit better, all beings have a final destination, is dissipated into the devil, or out of the cycle of reincarnation, to find the true self from the devil body, in fact, are your own choice. The earth is now at the most critical moment, if the majority of people intention is to move towards the dark side, then the road will be more difficult to walk in the future. If the masses can go a little to the light side, they will jump out of the original circle. Start a completely different journey from scratch. There are some things I can\’t tell you very thoroughly, it a matter of heaven. I only hope in the end that you can join me in promoting the true law and let as many people as possible see the heavenly scriptures. In the words here everything is difficult at the beginning, I hope that you will start with yourselves, gather the power of goodness and light, and work together with me and all the enlightened ones of light, which will eventually influence the earth process towards the path of the righteous world. Finally, I thank you all for every contribution you make to Heavenly Beings, no matter how small you think your contribution is to goodness, Heavenly Beings will have your merit if they know.

There is no perfection in goodness and no perfection in evil. I hope you do not look at good and evil with the mindset of mortals, because all people, including me and you, have both light and darkness in their body and soul, and good and evil are both heavenly paths. We have our responsibility, the devil also has the devil sorrow, the road is still long, each person will start from reading this article to do. I believe that one day all of our efforts and efforts will be exchanged for the completion of the heavenly beings, because we do things adhering to the will of heaven, whether it is Buddha is God or the devil is actually doing the same thing. Unchangeable, never to be erased. Until the day when the heavenly path is complete.

Star Daozi
June 11, 2012


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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