Information on Shengkai and Chonghe

Jul 17,2024 32 40

The process of birth and gramming reveals certain information. The Shengk is both opposites and unity, revealing the laws of transportation of all things, the Shengk and Chonghe between the five elements, in the prediction of both the results of the Shengk (good and bad) embodiment, but also to reveal the image of the information of things. By fully understanding its essential meaning and making reasonable allegorical extensions based on it, we can extract a lot of information by using various Shengk relationships.

I. The sign of the message of birth:

Sheng is the power to transmit and give, with the meaning of birth, love, and giving. The specific meaning is different in different situations.

1. Measuring marriage: Unmarried people should be born (indicating love, like, willingness) to the world, indicating that the other party adores them and is willing to get along. Married person Cai (male) official (female) Sheng Shi, indicating that the spouse likes, cares and loves himself. If the World is born to the other party, it means that one loves the other party and has a good feeling for people.

2. Measuring interpersonal relationships: If Shi gives birth to the other party, the other party loves and cares for him/her and is genuinely helpful and beneficial. Brother lines born in the world indicates that friends or brothers and sisters, colleagues and other help, get their strength. If the official line gives birth to the world there are official and noble people, men to help, to get their strength. If the children and grandchildren lines, children and grandchildren represented by the lines are beneficial to you. In short, no matter what the six relatives of the lines of the world, it reveals that the six relatives of the lines represented by the people and things for their own benefit. If the line should be born or it lines, the line is born on behalf of the people, will get their own care, attention or support, this life will have to pay, dedication, give with the meaning.

3、 Measure for wealth: Cai Sheng (find) the world for easy access to wealth. If Cai moves to give birth to the world, then Cai takes the initiative to find the door. Officials move then CaiGuan is Sang relationship; CaiYao does not start, this Sang relationship is the official ghosts steal the power of the CaiYao, is the official represented by the people things to consume money. Such as paying rent, taxes, gifts, pay all kinds of fees, this birth on behalf of the payment, levy, levy, send with, consumption, consumption of meaning.

4. Measuring luck: When the world gets what lines move to be born, it gets what lines represent the benefits in terms of people and things.

5. Measuring whether you can get someone benefit or help: See if the person represented by a line is born with the line, and if the line is born with the line, you can get it, otherwise you can\’t get it. For example, to see if you can get help from a friend, look at whether the brother line gives birth to the line. To see if you can get help from people who don\’t have relatives or friends, look at whether the Ying Yao gives birth to the Shi.

6, Measure whether there are advantages and disadvantages of doing something: See if there are moving lines in the trigrams to give birth to the line. If the moving lines give birth to the World, you will get the benefits or advantages in terms of the people and things represented by this line. Only the five lines of the gram line is activated without the five lines of the generation of the line is activated, you will get the disaster or disaster caused by the people and things represented by this line. If the five elements of the line is activated, it means that the line to lose or pay some benefits.

II. The sign of the message of gram:

If the gods are opposed to each other, it is good when the grams are favorable and bad when they are unfavorable. If the god of inhibition is subject to grams, it is good, and if the god of use is subject to grams, it is bad. The most important thing is that it is a good idea to have a good idea of what to do. The meaning of the measurement varies from matter to matter.

1. Measuring marriage: Unmarried men and women grams of the world means that the other party is not satisfied, does not see themselves, do not want to get along, also means that the other party is picky big, the world grams should indicate that they do not see each other, not quite as desired, pick on each other, feel unsatisfactory, this gram on the main unwilling, unsatisfied, picky meaning. The meaning of picky.

2. 2, Measuring luck: The moving lines gram Shi should be subject to the restrictions, constraints, and harm of the people and things represented by the moving lines. Such as the official (the main disaster, villain, official) move to gram the world, the trigrams will have these aspects of the disaster. Brother move to gram the world will have broken wealth, injury, friends or siblings and other aspects of the disaster. Weak world of wealth grams, it will be suffering because of the wealth or women side of things. If the father moves to grasp the world, there will be disasters brought by people and things represented by the parent lines. Sometimes the image of disaster information is reflected by the gram lines, such as the father moved to gram Sun, that the son of Sun lines on behalf of things will have a disaster; Sun moved to gram official, that the official on behalf of things will have damage, such as loss of official damage reputation. In short, we have to combine the specific measurement of things to discuss.

3. 3, Measure for money: Brother moving Sun static, that the money by the brother grams, the brother will rob the money, resulting in the line broke money. This gram is to inhibit, move to take, gram broken.

4. 4, Measuring partnership: should gram the world is subject to each other constraints, control. The opposite is also true. The general unfavorable world should be grams, grams have mutual bullying, not the image of concerted efforts.

5. 5. Measuring personnel relations: What line grams the world, which line represents the person is the villain. The start indicates that the villain Minglu is against himself, the dark move is secretly behind the bad. Not to start is just the heart harboring hatred, no pitfall action.

6. Measuring someone backwardness towards oneself: It should be the point of correspondence, looking at the relationship between the Ying Shi. Should Keshi then the other party is dissatisfied and has hatred; launched Keshi has unfavorable words and actions, will trap and suppress oneself; not launched only hatred, no pitfall behavior.

III. The sign of the message of unity:

Hop is a special manifestation of Shengke. It has the meaning of combining well, combining to stay, combining up, tripping up, the image of union. It is the main focus of the combination, and the main focus of the punch is the dispersion. Feng Shui in the mountains around the water to embody the six (ring, hold), there are around the image. Combined is also a gram, together than the normal gram has priority, in the five elements in the gram, together in the first, the trigrams lines together when the relationship between gram nearest, the first to occur. Combined embodiment of specific information varies according to the measurement of different things.

1. Measuring Marriage: When the world is in harmony with the world, they are in love with each other.

2. Measuring business partnership: If the world should be compatible, the two sides are cohesive and work together.

3. Measuring travel: The world or the use of the combination of the image of the combination of the image, because of the matter entangled can not travel, as for what? Depending on what the six relatives of the closed, if the father line closed then because of the father line on behalf of the people and things can not travel; by the wealth line closed must be because of the wealth line on behalf of the people and things can not travel. Other similar to this.

4. Measuring the lawsuit: The world should be in harmony, the image of reconciliation.

5. Measuring emotions: The conjunction of the main affair, there is a good match. Generally regardless of the half conjunction and meeting. The basic meaning of the three hexagrams is the same, but the three conjunctions have the information of the six conjunctions in addition to the image of the aggregation of many people and things, comparing many and having the meaning of a group. There is a kind of attraction, gathering force, group. Therefore, the measurement of personnel relations like together, together with more people means good, more friends.

IV. The sign of the information of the punch:

The opposite of Orgasm and conjunction, conjunction is the main gathering and conjunction is the main dispersal. The main reason for this is the integration of the qi field and the harmony of the qi field, while the main reason for this is the discord of the qi field and the fierce struggle. It is the main reason for the breakup, the breakup, the loss of harmony, and the struggle. Punch has the meaning of scattering and rushing off. Good things are not to be rushed; sad and fearful things are to be rushed.

1. 1. Measuring thoughts: The main contradictions, impulses, changes.

2. The impulse has the sign of impact, shock. The force comes violently and directly. If you measure the peace, the world by the father punch grams have the image of a car accident, is the car hit the world. If the wood lines rushed to grasp the world, there is the image of being hit by a stick. If the gold lines rushed to grasp the line, there are signs of being hit by knives and other metal weapons.

3. Measuring partnership business: The world should conflict, not the main partnership can not, has been a partnership is bound to break up, there will be conflicts and disagreement.

4. 4. Measuring marriage: Unmarried men and women should be in conflict with each other, the main two sides to talk about a break, simply can not get along, both sides do not see each other. Married men and women look at the relationship between Cai Guan and Shi. Cai Guan and Shi clash, indicating that there are many conflicts between husband and wife, often in conflict.

5. Measuring personnel relations: When six rushes are made, the relationship is tense, there are more conflicts of opinions, the relationship between people is bad, there are more hatreds and conflicts.

6. Measuring partnership, cooperation, good cooperation and other matters of harmony: When the six rushes are a sign of separation.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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Jul 17,2024 未知
Jul 17,2024 未知