Yu Long Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui course video 47 episodes

Jul 17,2024 5 35
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Information name: Yu long taiji qimen feng shui course video 47 episodes

Source code: 22734

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Data Table of Contents.

/Feng Shui Meaning/2022/22734. Yu Long Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui (47 episodes)
How to use Taiji Qimen Feng Shui to avoid bad luck_.mp4 101.85M
Taiji Qimen Fa Shui to resolve disasters (1).mp4 119.31M
Taiji Qimen Fa Shui Disaster Resolution Secret Method (2).mp4 95.38M
Taiji Qimen Technique for Disaster Resolution (3).mp4 97.45M
Taiji Qimen Fa Fahuahua (4).mp4 105.28M
Chapter 9: Qi Men Sub-Prediction Marriage Prediction Section 2: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Marriage Prediction Example.mp4 186.86M
Chapter 9: Qi Men Sub-Prediction Marriage Prediction Section 1: Marriage Prediction with the selection of the gods Combined with examples of in-depth explanation.mp4 145.31M
The marriage of a woman in \’84 is shown in the bureau

.mp4 397.86M
The first time I saw a woman marriage, she was in a bad mood..mp4 358.12M
Disease prediction
Chapter 8: Qi Men Sub-Prediction Section 2: Disease Prediction Example 1: 84 year old lady measuring disease.mp4 103.55M
Chapter 8: Prediction by Qi Sections Section 6: Disease Prediction Example 5: Disease Prediction for a lady born in \’77.mp4 110.94M
Chapter 8: Prediction of Qi Sections Section 3: Disease Prediction Example 3: 62 year old lady disease measurement.mp4 120.09M
Chapter 8: Prediction of Qi Sections Section 4: Examples of Disease Prediction III and IV: Ms. born in 53 years to measure the disease. Henan lady disease measurement.mp4 244.49M
Chapter 8: Qi Men Sub-Prediction Section 1: Disease Prediction_watermarked.mp4 477.60M
Chapter 8: Qi Men Sub-Prediction Section 7: Disease Prediction Example VI 76 year old lady disease measurement.mp4 90.65M
Career and wealth
Chapter 11: Taiji Qimen Feng Shui sub-prediction Work, transfer, official luck Section 2: Taiji Qimen Feng Shui test work transfer example 2.mp4 85.96M
Chapter 11: Taiji qimen feng shui sub-prediction work, transfer, official luck Section 1: the main points of work, transfer, official luck prediction.mp4 47.40M
Chapter 10: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Sub-Prediction Prediction of Qi Men Career and Wealth Section 2: Two detailed examples of breaking Qi Men for wealth.mp4 163.71M
Chapter 10: Taiji qimen feng shui itemized prediction qimen career and fortune prediction Section 1: key points of qimen prediction career and fortune.mp4 69.72M
Yang house feng shui
Chapter 6: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui with the selection of God (in-depth explanation).mp4 396.15M
Chapter 12: Taiji Qimen Test Yang House Feng Shui Section 2: Example Explanation.mp4 94.49M
Chapter 12: Taiji Qimen Test Yang House Feng Shui Section 1: Theoretical Essentials.mp4 91.25M
Chapter 13: Taiji Qimen Measuring Yin House Feng Shui Section 2: Two Examples.mp4 178.04M
Chapter 13: Taiji Qi Men Test Yin House Feng Shui Section 1: Theoretical Points.mp4 135.69M
Chapter 2: What is Qi Men Dun Jia? Why do we need to learn Qi Men Dun Jia? .mp4 140.57M
Chapter 7: Qi Men secret method of breaking things (far empty break, near empty break, the first day break, after the day, turn the palace break, etc.).mp4 466.85M
Chapter 3: taiji qimen feng shui basic theory Section 2: on the five elements, the ten heavenly stems, twelve earthly branches.mp4 424.05M
Chapter 3: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Basic Theory Section 6: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Nine Stars, Eight Doors, Eight Gods Introduction.mp4 112.04M
Chapter 3: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Basic Theory Section 7: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui door compulsion, striking penalties, into the twilight, empty death, etc..mp4 335.04M
Chapter 3: Taiji qimen feng shui basic theory Section 3: secret twelve long life.mp4 173.22M
Chapter 3: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Basic Theory Section 4: How to arrange the four pillars.mp4 333.43M
Chapter 3: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Basic Theory Section 5: The Nine Houses and Bagua.mp4 203.67M
Chapter 3: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Basic Theory Section 1: Yin and Yang Theory Doctrine.mp4 110.39M
Chapter 4: Taiji qimen feng shui fixed layout. .mp4 466.85M
Chapter 5: Qi Men Dun Jia Xiang Yi Section 8: taiji qimen feng shui eight doors Xiang Yi.mp4 493.81M
Chapter 5 Qi Men Dun Jia Xiang Yi Section 2: taiji qimen feng shui ten heavenly stems Xiang Yi of C Ding.mp4 492.76M
Chapter 5: Qi Men Dun Jia Pictorial Ideas Section 6: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Nine Stars Pictorial Ideas.mp4 472.71M
Chapter 5: Qi Men Dun Jia Pictorial Ideas Section 7: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Eight Gods Pictorial Ideas.mp4 399.21M
Chapter 5: Qi Men Dun Jia Pictorial Ideas Section 3: Secret Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Ten Heavenly Stems Pictorial Ideas.mp4 595.22M
Chapter 5: The mysterious door to hide the A symbol of the fourth section: the secret taiji qimen feng shui ten days stem symbol of the symbol of the meaning of geng xin.mp4 431.96M
Chapter 5: The mysterious taiji feng shui ten heavenly trunks of the imagery of the imagery of the none-decimal.mp4 494.65M
Chapter 5: Qi Men Dun Jia Pictorial Ideas Section 1: Taiji Qi Men Feng Shui Ten Heavenly Stems Pictorial Ideas of A B.mp4 339.19M
Chapter 1: The Origin of Qi Men Dun Jia.mp4 37.46M
A detailed explanation of \’one life, two fortunes, three feng shui, four yin virtues, five reading ’ etc..mp4 131.52M
What is \”Qi Men Dun Jia\”? .mp4 54.35M
Why do you say \”Qi Men Dun Jia is the art of the emperor\”? .mp4 59.16M
The origin of Qi Men Dun Jia by Mr. Long Yu

.mp4 44.72M

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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