Hu Zhangmin Yang Gong Habitat for Humanity Workshop Course Video 9 episodes

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Information name: Hu Zhangmin Yang Gong Habitat workshop course video 9 episodes

Source code: 22B09038

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The true secret of the three elements of geography: 《 Yang Gong Habitat Environment Workshop 》 video, practice (practice, inner hall method, internal and external layout) Yang Gong three elements of geography true secret: the shape of the mountain range, rational gas, practice, choose the day class, the absence of a not spirit

The method of promoting Ding, wealth, nobility and marriage (exclusive information) Yang Gong Habitat workshop, Yang Gong Feng Shui is composed of mountain shape and water potential, easy science rationale gas, Dawei practice (practice, inner hall work method, internal and external layout) and selection of auspicious selection of lessons, the four complement each other and each into a system. It is divided into four parts, with the four words of shape, reason, law and lesson, as the key to the guide of creating blessings; one is not complete without the other. Therefore, the importance of the four application methods of form, reason, law and lesson is various.

1. Shape gas: mainly refers to the mountain shape water law of the gas potential・ Feng Shui situation range head that is the dragon point, sand and water and all the terrain face, is the basis of the reasoning gas. Specialized in the shape of gas and not from the with the rational gas, it is difficult to grasp the misfortune and fortune by no test. Yang Gong scriptures: shake dragon scriptures, doubt dragon scriptures, Liu Jiangdong dragon method, three treasure scriptures, black sac scriptures summary of simple usage.

2. The main thing is to talk about the gas is based on the shape of the mountain, to determine the location of the point, to collect the mountain water out of the pattern of good and bad. The shape of the gas range without taking the gas is not allowed, the utility of the mountain shape range, all rely on the gas to play. Rational gas no range head not spirit. All talk about the rational gas, regardless of the beauty of the dragon point sand and water, is derived from no root. Yang Gong gas is mainly three general outline, ten reasons, six taboos, four major solution method.

3. Practice: mainly about the inner hall method, internal and external layout, the yin and yang house congenital deficiencies, take the three remedial method, pile of soil, planting trees, do round house. Also use high profound yin and yang full sub-cutting method, the shape and gas double with the application in order to create a good yang yang auspicious house.

4. Selecting auspiciousness:

If the sky does not have the right time, the sun and the moon will have no light; if the earth does not have the right time, everything will not be born;

When water is not allowed, the wind and waves are not quiet; when people are not allowed, the road of profit is not accessible;

When ghosts are not allowed, hell is not exceeded; when gods are not allowed, they are not sought

Since ancient times, many people and even feng shui masters have ignored the importance of choosing the day, thus causing many tragedies. Yang Gong three yuan geography true secret: shape range, rational gas, practice, choose the day class, the lack of one does not work

Selecting the auspicious is artificial practice, is in the shape of the whole and the basis of the rational really, the use of the Fu time to the establishment of the mountain to make up for the catalytic effect, with accurate artificial selection of the auspicious art, with the time and geography, to achieve the miraculous effect of avoiding evil and tend to be auspicious. Mountain shape and reasoning gas is good, such as improperly with the class, the first time that the first out of the bad things, the owner can not withstand the pressure and abolished, will not achieve the effect of promoting Ding wealth and life, Mr. will cause adverse effects, the former work and failure of reputation, must not be ignored must be careful.

A detailed explanation of the introduction to break the law:

Where to the home, first check its house inside and outside the environment, from the sound, color, shape, taste, state of all aspects of the investigation.

Second, how to play the correct compass:

1. How to quickly and accurately lock the sitting direction of the sub-gold?

2. How to play the compass in the environment with magnetic interference?

3. How to play compass in high-rise buildings, offices, factories, single-family houses, residential communities, etc.?

3. Yang Gong Feng Shui charting and directional judgment:

1. 1. Modern buildings are oddly shaped, how to accurately determine the vertical pole?

2. Techniques and methods of determining the direction of the Yang residence.

In Yang Gong Feng Shui, the direction and the pole are an important part. If the direction is wrong, everything will be wrong and there will be no way to adjust Feng Shui.

Application of Yang Gong Feng Shui Techniques:

Detailed explanation of the principles of feng shui, breaking things should be broken period and feng shui layout methods, the details are as follows:

1, the truth of the intercourse of yin and Yang: \”Yang Gong pension to see male and female, the world books on different\”, Yang Gong Feng Shui biggest secret lies in the intercourse of yin and Yang and live and die.

2、The application of the four elephants
3、The use of the successive heavenly trigrams energy

4、The nine palaces (detailed explanation of the use of the middle palace)

5、The correspondence between the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches and personnel and their applications
6、The twenty-four mountains to break things off should be period

7、The principles of feng shui layout:

How to choose a building;

How to choose stores, stores, offices, office buildings, factories; about the method of auspicious supplies to resolve the bane;

The principles of the interior layout of the Yang house how to change feng shui how to open the door;

How to set up a stove, a bed, a washing machine, and a stove?

How to feng shui layout office buildings;

How to layout a villa?

How to place the cashier desk and gods in a store;

Ways to promote ding, wealth, nobility and marriage;

Ways to promote Wenchang and Tianhe.

Talking through the principles of feng shui, teaching the skills of breaking things off should period and the comprehensive method of feng shui layout, combining theory and practical exercises, guiding students to deep research and enlightenment, so that their knowledge can be more thorough and grounded

File directory.

/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/09/22B09038. Hu Zhangmin Yang Gong Habitat Workshop/

Session 01: Why Study Yang Gong Feng Shui_ev.mp4 283.36M

Section 02: Yang Gong Feng Shui Sources and Inheritance_ev.mp4 206.00M

Section 03: Basic Theory: The Four Uses of Purpose.mp4 626.84M

Section 04: Theory Application: General Outline of the Three Elements of He Tu Luo Shu.mp4 116.49M

Section 05.mp4 591.25M

Section 06.mp4 478.57M

Section 07.mp4 564.36M

Section 08.mp4 227.41M

Section 09_.mp4 64.78M

Video screenshots.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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