Gao Shanliang – Folk Feng Shui Case Studies 109 pages

Jul 17,2024 3 43

Profile Number: 19225

Content excerpt

Example 1: There is no old wife in the east and no old wife in the west

There is an east without a west without an old wife

This is a family in Sun Geng Village, Qihe County, which is also my colleague pro into 2009 for my colleague house by the way, this courtyard is five rooms, the general rural tile house, three rooms in the east, the small one for cooking, the large two Zeus kang as a bedroom, the middle of the courtyard is pressed water well, colleagues asked me how this family? I said this courtyard has east but not west, the lady of the house should be no more, how not? I said she should be sick and died. He replied that it was 82 years his relative died of illness at the age of less than 50 years old.

Example 2: There is a west without an east without an old man

There is a west without an east without an old man

After looking at the last household colleagues took me to the village of Dahwang Township Cang Shang, another of his pro-cheng home, I look at this mansion happy, this mansion is like the previous mansion replica, as long as let us go to the mansion Ken has set the problem, I said the male owner of this home is no more.

He said this is the home of his aunt husband, who died early in life.

Example 3: The bloodbowl is in trouble

The Blood Bowl is a disaster

After looking at the above two households, my colleague said you can look at my uncle house again, it not easy to invite you to come, I said go ahead.

I said go ahead

I said this household is too fierce, the lighter is a car accident, will be killed.

Fact: The son of this family was killed in a car accident in 2002.

The phase of this house and its faults are as follows: Green Dragon probes, blood basin shines in the mirror, White Tiger falls in.

Example 4: A ghost in the house and a person life


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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