Commentary on ancient feng shui texts: (Ming) by Guan Dao Ren – Commentary on the Eight Mansions and the Ming Mirror by Chen Ming 311 pages

Jul 17,2024 28 31

Information number: 19223

Yatsugaku Mingshi

Content Summary

《The Eight Mansions Mirror》 is a famous work of geomancy dedicated to Yang Mansions. It is the leading work of the Eight Mansions School. The Eight Mansions School originated in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty. After the Song Dynasty, this school has been handed down from generation to generation, and it has become the leader in the Yang house phase, and it is deeply rooted in people hearts, especially in the places where Chinese people live at home and abroad, where the Eight House School is the authentic school.

The Eight Mansions School only dominated the field of ancient Chinese geomancy and has flourished for a long time because this book, like 《Geography Five Tips》, simplifies the complex feng shui theory by putting forward a few easy-to-accept arguments, thus leading the way to the theory of feng shui with points. And under the guidance of this theory, it explains many specific methods of operation. 《The Eight Mansions and the Mirror》 mainly start from the yearly life of people, the three elements, and emphasize the door, the stove and the auspicious side, so as to integrate and achieve the purpose of the phase of the Yang house.

The Eight Mansions Mirror is an ancient feng shui text. As an ancient feng shui text, it is inevitable that there is a place of materialism. To be fair, most of the ancient Chinese feng shui texts are a mixture of the best and the worst, and we can only look at them in a scientific manner, so as to achieve the purpose of using the past for the present.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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