Geng Mingyuan on feng shui video course 197 – with meihua yi – compass use – yin and yang house feng shui

Jul 17,2024 5 34

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1. What should I do if the direction of the dragon vein does not match the environment after \”cutting it\”? The dragon veins are divided into old and young, sometimes they may not fit.mp4

2、《Qingnanjing》: but look at the golden dragon moving, the second look at the bloodline to recognize the coming dragon. The dragon is divided into two pieces of yin and yang to take, water to the three forks of fine recognition of the trace.mp4

3、《Qingnan sutra》: Jiangnan to the north of the dragon look, Jiangxi to the dragon look east of the river..mp4

4, 《Qing Nang Jing》 explain, feng shui does not pay attention to water law and the coming dragon? It turns out to understand the great yin and yang in the prosperity and decay of life and death..mp4

5、《green sac sutra》 Explained: Yang Gong to the old to see the male and female, the world books are different. Analysis and explanation, the mystery of the Green Bag Sutra.mp4

6、Becoming rich is not impossible, the teacher teaches you to use Yin house feng shui to get rich quickly.mp4

7, the seven stars of the Big Dipper have a unique role in feng shui, after learning for their own judgment of feng shui is of great help.mp4

8, than the sand and water is also high realm is to collect the mountain to collect the water, how to do to collect the mountain to collect the water to sit in the direction of the Bureau it.mp4


9, others do not speak, the teacher directly speak of the choice of day in the Yin house Feng Shui is important?.mp4

10, do not understand the Yin house feng shui haphazard burial graves lead to future generations of bad luck haunted.mp4

11, cheating is what causes feng shui, double people, double stove pattern, there must be demolition.mp4

12, beginner feng shui knowledge to see what book is appropriate, must read three hundred years ago.mp4

13、The earth is never considered to stand to eliminate the sand to collect the mountain, only small land to transform the brake.mp4

14, the courage is too big, straight talk about recent feng shui no real book. What should you read when you first learn Feng Shui numerology.mp4

15, the ground twenty-four mountains you really know, how to use it to collect money, the teacher explained the trick.mp4

16、The yin house should not be able to break the period, do not know when to send the evil, three yuan nine transport did not understand..mp4

17, the house will eat people, Yin house small will trap people. The house feng shui big inch Xu will be rich and noble.mp4

18, the grave hair fierce move the stone monument did not work, still hair fierce. The descendants are constantly broke and trapped in debt disputes.mp4

19, feng shui treasures are special pattern, no sand hand, leaning on the mountain to water, is not fierce..mp4

20, feng shui treasure lies in the collection of mountains to collect water, sand hand environmental protection may not be good, may return wealth loss Ding.mp4

21, feng shui treasure to be positive to determine the sitting direction, explain the importance of sitting direction.mp4

22, Feng Shui after the day to do two rules, adjustable and non-adjustable, some gentlemen do not understand still do it indiscriminately.mp4

23, feng shui old man broken yin house why is always very accurate.mp4

24, feng shui judgment standard lies in the control of distance, many gentlemen do not judge the yin house problems often appear here.mp4


25, Feng Shui objects should not be used indiscriminately, the teacher explained how to use the dragon turtle in the Feng Shui object bottle. The way to break the sky chopping brake.mp4

26、Lung cancer in feng shui.mp4

27、The pattern in feng shui, all the elimination of sand and water are small land, the earth does not need to adjust the standing direction.mp4

28、How to correctly determine the empty death in feng shui, whether the seventy-two wearing gold dragon belongs to the empty one.mp4

.29、Teaching you to choose a good house when buying a house, prosperous wealth and prosperity, and smooth sailing in the future.mp4

30, wedding and funeral as well as disease prediction can be used to predict the 《 horse before class》, simple and easy to learn.mp4

31, the family broke the murderous graves, the harvest mountain does not fit also out of the brake, the family died out, too bad.mp4

.32, home feng shui problems earn money how we can do to improve.mp4

33, Jianghu liars looking for dragon point point after day eight trigrams to see the Yin house feng shui, descendants of generations of poor..mp4

34, look at the feng shui of the yin house with a telescope is not right, explain the reason, the telescope can not see the problem.mp4

35, the empty death of the great evil world knows, but the empty death of how to judge. The teacher explained to teach you, must not learn.mp4

36、Teacher share feng shui secret spells do not look regret looker blessed.mp4

37、Teacher share the tricks of using the compass, after entering the mountain directly open the disk to quickly find the earth.mp4

38、Teacher explains the differences in the feng shui of yin houses and burial monuments around the world.mp4

39、Teacher explains the mysterious 《maqian class》, the magical predictions of Zhuge Kongming.mp4

40、Teacher explain Yin house feng shui how to do can be wealthy had to learn.mp4

41、Teacher speaks Yin house feng shui backwards riding dragon point real estate boss actually want to poor are difficult.mp4

42、Teacher teaching Yin house feng shui how to avoid Yin house feng shui fatal broken fortune.mp4

43, the teacher saw through the yin house is once the master made dead chess become live.mp4

44、Teacher live explanation of feng shui treasures, find feng shui treasures secrets, general gentlemen do not understand.mp4

45、Teacher live explanation of how to use the compass to stand in the direction of the dragon, Yin house feng shui valuable knowledge.mp4

46, the teacher explained the correct way to judge the knowledge of Yin house feng shui.mp4

47, the old man buried graves into the mass grave, group graves do burial, may not be a good place. Feng shui should be heavy line gas.mp4

48、Mass graves send evil family bad luck, small land without a pattern can not be transformed into a disaster..mp4

49, compass measurement to the head of the dragon, the key step for beginners to learn how to measure the head of the dragon..mp4

50、The specific role of the compass in resolving bogeys, whether it can be used to turn evil into good luck and avoid evil.mp4

51, compass teaching course – yin house feng shui frame dragon and the direction of how to use the compass, determine the water law.mp4

52, the third lesson of the compass teaching course: rural self-built houses oriented to the door of the house or to the courtyard door.mp4

53, compass teaching course lesson 4: rural self-built houses to determine the feng shui when sitting on the mountain robbing brake plate how to apply the break should be period.mp4

54, compass teaching course lesson 5: rural self-built house shape brake and extinction water need each gentleman pay extra attention to.mp4

55、Lesson 1 of the compass teaching course: how to correctly correct the compass just bought back.mp4

56, compass teaching how to use the compass to measure the feng shui of the Yin house and the Yang house feng shui sitting direction.mp4

57, compass knowledge special lecture: heaven and earth with a couple of big trigrams, compass trigrams couples, bring the incorrect direction.mp4

58, compass knowledge lecture: Yin house feng shui compass in the combined ten bureau, unveil the mysterious coat of compass..mp4

59、Meihua Yiwu basic quick start teaching.mp4

60、Meihua Yi Gua method, master the eight trigrams and five elements, trigrams are not difficult to break.mp4

61, meihua yin house feng shui teaching course video 01.mp4

62, meihua yin house feng shui teaching course video 02.mp4

63、Meihua Yiwu yin house feng shui teaching course video 03.mp4

64、Meihua yin house feng shui teaching course video 04.mp4

65、meihua yin house feng shui teaching course video 05.mp4

66、Year on year fast moon method, 《Wu Hu Zun》 explanation, how to efficiently and quickly use the year column to find the moon column.mp4

67、The method of starting the moon on the year, 《Wu Hu Zun》 method explanation, very valuable, simple and fast.mp4

68、Year on the moon method 《WuhuZun》 detailed analysis of the explanation, quickly find the moon order.mp4

69、Four key points to judge the feng shui of the yin house, the name hall is particularly important..mp4

70、Peace is easy to find, wealth is hard to find. The teacher teaches you to find the dragon point and find the rich and precious land..mp4

71、Does the Yin house of our biological parents produce blessings for us? Teacher cites blame 《 burial book 》 explain.mp4

72、The method of starting the time on the sun 《five rats recluse》, learn this method never have to look through the almanac to find the time.mp4

73、How to open the compass, the teacher taught to teach the 《LuZiZhiZhi》, used to open the compass, learn feng shui this had to see.mp4

74、How to use the yin house to promote the peach blossom of people Tiekou break yin house graveyard auspicious.mp4

75, how to use the yin house to stimulate people peach blossoms from this people prosperous wealth prosperous career

feng shui treasure case.mp4

76, how to use the yin house to stimulate people peach blossoms from this people prosperous wealth prosperous career prosperous


77、How to determine whether the mountain has angry.mp4

78、Shanshui has love and affection, the vertical direction out of the problem. Yin house dragon and tiger compact surroundings, out of the brake big evil..mp4

79, the examination of the dragon and the dragon direction, \”cut the dragon vein\” over the gorge is not easy to judge, need to review in detail the trend of the dragon vein.mp4

80, indoor lack of northeast corner, will cause what which serious problems. And how to resolve.mp4


81, the hands of the mystery hidden the Qiankun, palm reading career see through the lord and bear.mp4

82、The world is not accounted for in the plum blossom easy number, temporal division, can know the present, the future.mp4

83、Why we can\’t save money after living in a new house, the danger of penetrating the hall brake and how to solve it.mp4

.84, live explanation of the Yin house feng shui road positioned as the water mouth analysis of good and bad regret, say the reason.mp4

.85、The sand and water elimination in the compass should use which plate is most suitable, the sky plate water and human plate elimination sand?.mp4

87、Xinshan B direction, wealthy and prosperous, experts looking for dragon land without tiger sand, top elimination of sand and water.mp4

88, prosperous Yin house feng shui are how to do the bureau up insight quickly see how the teacher evaluation.mp4

89、Learn to set the Taiji point, later to move the grave easy to deal with, the teacher teaches you to accurately transform the brake.mp4

90、How to learn Feng Shui for beginners to learn to be correct.mp4

91、Longchamp Pointing : The theory that a feng shui treasure is only when there is a dragon and tiger sand hand is not correct.mp4

92、Find the dragon point not on the mountain, know its prosperity, the eye will see the heart, you will know when the dragon line is thriving, the ground luck.mp4

93, the dragon point does not need to go to the mountain, just survey the dragon vein, you can know how to stand..mp4

94, the search for dragon point wrapped around the mountain out of the noble, the pilgrimage to the water to add officials. The feng shui wealth to rise official, rich and long.mp4

95, dragon point outline, easy to understand. Rather do not rely on the ground, not to do dragon and tiger hold..mp4

96, dragon pointing point set taiji point a heavy towards the mountain ten thousand leaning, a leaning mountain ten thousand towards.mp4

97、Find the dragon point outline, how to find a coffin feng shui treasure among the mountains.mp4

98, after seeking the dragon point point the earth division died a violent death, kill the division ground explanation. Form kill, see to pay attention to.mp4

99, dragon point search teaches you how to determine the fortune of the Yin house feng shui treasures..mp4

100, the secret of seeking the dragon point point, standing Taiji point, most masters do not pass, more masters do not know..mp4

101, the dragon point point finding judgment of the prospective.mp4

102, dragon pointing how to use the compass in the general environment to find the ground to stand.mp4

103、Long point point search to examine the dragon degree pulse, look at the core of the mountain, after learning to see their own feng shui.mp4

104、Feng shui of the yin house in the search for the dragon points do not know where to go wrong.mp4

105, looking for the dragon point point Yin house feng shui after day do bureau secret method, promote the wealth to promote the official immediately..mp4




107、Feng shui for dragon pointing yin house how to establish the direction in order to collect the mountain to collect the water.mp4

.108, looking for the dragon point point Yin house feng shui xu mountain Chen to the back of the leaning mountain pressure money bad luck constantly.mp4

109, looking for the dragon point Yin house feng shui said to cut the dragon vein is what means ah.mp4

110、Long point search met a very large white tiger sand into the hall bureau, the teacher said this bureau how to take.mp4

111、The correct way to choose the points of the dragon point, detailed explanation of the feng shui compass on one hundred and twenty gold_HD.mp4

112、Long search points of how to be considered a good yin house yin house geography feng shui video.mp4

113, Dragon Pointing is the core of Yin house feng shui?.mp4

114, yang house feng shui secret method, teach you this life to choose a room prosperous wealth and prosperity. Feng shui changes fate.mp4

115, Yang house feng shui indoor An Zao incorrect marriage problems, the teacher taught you how to An Zao.mp4

The most important thing is that you should be able to find a way to get the most out of your house..mp4

.117, Yang house feng shui shape brakes, Lane punch brakes on the human body how great the danger, serious people can lead to disability.mp4

The feng shui of the Yang house has problems leading to marital misfortune, and serious cases can lead to divorce. This is a great way to get the most out of your home.

119, Yang house feng shui knowledge teaching, purple white nine stars and the role of Luo Shu in Yang house.mp4

120, Yang house feng shui in front of our housing is a pole is bad or good, how do we deal with it, the teacher told the solution.mp4


121, Yang house indoor feng shui Bi knife brakes, and its use of the mountain sea town. The teacher explained that feng shui items should not be placed indiscriminately.mp4


122, a glance to determine the Yin house good or bad method, why the fortune is not good, where is the reason.mp4

.123, Yin house, Yang house feng shui, the correct understanding of the five arts of metaphysics.mp4

.124, Yin house feng shui Yin house is bad will lead to lack of health of future generations.mp4

125, Yin house feng shui dragon pointing secrets of fast feng shui masters Yin house ancestral grave cemetery feng shui knowledge.mp4

126、Yin house feng shui Yang Gong feng shui water law knowledge Yin house feng shui examples.mp4

127, Yin house feng shui Yang Gong feng shui water law knowledge.mp4

128, Yin house feng shui, how do we use the correct compass to find the dragon point to determine the feng shui.mp4

129, Yin house feng shui eight dry four dimensional complementary mountain method. How to do in the case that the dragon vein and sitting direction do not match.mp4

130、Yin house feng shui treasure in the end how to see is correct.mp4

131, Yin house feng shui out of the life of people how to avoid the pattern of the great evil.mp4

.132, Yin house feng shui backwards riding dragon point real estate boss actually want to poor are difficult.mp4

133, Yin house feng shui backwards riding dragon point real estate boss want to be poor are difficult.mp4

134, Yin house feng shui in the end how to see the correct teacher live explanation.mp4

135, Yin house feng shui break inaccurate, learn the iron mouth divine break know-how, from then on it is difficult to make mistakes..mp4

136、Yin house feng shui for the yin house by the mountain explanation.mp4

137, Yin house feng shui tiger sand problems focus on the explanation.mp4

138, Yin house feng shui basics of the direction of the need to combine with the surrounding environment.mp4

139, yin house feng shui basics dragon veins explained course teach.mp4

140, Yin house feng shui home bad fortune reasons which.mp4

141、Yin house feng shui at home how children learn to progress.mp4

142, Yin house feng shui at home how children learn to progress first lesson.mp4

143, yin house feng shui near water pattern why not rich up.mp4

144, Yin house feng shui leaning high actually pressure money see how feng shui masters turn the tide.mp4

145, Yin house feng shui leaning mountain actually pressure money see feng shui masters how to turn the karma.mp4

146, Yin house Feng Shui key uses of gas management sand hand missing originally for the evil lack of good.mp4

147, Yin house feng shui rotation by the teacher speaks the most, speak the absolute..mp4

148, yin house feng shui secret positive hall level how to find the earth.mp4

149、Yin house feng shui temple left and right out of the pattern of widows No..mp4

150、Yin house feng shui temple left and right out of the pattern of the widow the third lesson.mp4

151、Yin house feng shui where the causes of poverty.mp4

152, Yin house feng shui for peace, the teacher shared practical experience, the plain land is not easy to send foul..mp4

153, Yin house feng shui so buried grave god of wealth will be scared away.mp4

154, Yin house feng shui if we do not know feng shui knowledge how to choose a good place.mp4

155, Yin house feng shui how to quickly seek wealth.mp4

156、Yin house feng shui how to distinguish between the true and false dragon veins to achieve family wealth.mp4

157, Yin house feng shui how to do can people cool two prosperous feng shui secrets.mp4

158, Yin house feng shui how to do can people Ding Liang two prosperous teacher share feng shui secrets.mp4

159, Yin house feng shui into the grave break how to determine whether the person inside the grave is male or female.mp4

160, Yin house feng shui mountain gods five yellow hair on the mountain can make offspring male early death very unfavorable.mp4


161, Yin house feng shui Shen mountain Yin direction judgment sitting empty towards full special case.mp4

162、Yin house feng shui hall bureau how to judge correctly.mp4

163, yin house feng shui why we have no reason to break the fortune.mp4

164, Yin house feng shui how we can determine whether the task in the grave is male or female.mp4

165, Yin house feng shui how we can determine whether the dragon veins are true or false how the people see.mp4

166, Yin house feng shui why we can not earn money where the root.mp4

.167, Yin house feng shui our ancestral graves burial time is very important do not forget.mp4

.168, Yin house feng shui five yellow hair fierce how to determine how to solve this problem.mp4

169, Yin house feng shui Xinshan B to the double star to the seat of bad fortune pattern.mp4

170、Yin house feng shui shape brake how to replace the brake family broken.mp4

171, Yin house feng shui shape brake how to replace the brake home broken people second lesson.mp4

172, Yin house feng shui xu shan chen to the back of the mountain pressure money lead to bad luck constantly.mp4

173, Yin house feng shui xu shan chen to the back of the mountain pressure money bad luck constantly.mp4

174, Yin house feng shui xu shan chen to water flow to tui fortune constantly.mp4

175, Yin house feng shui looking for land simply not so much positive ministry of the earth.mp4

176、Yin house feng shui create burial place feng shui five transport construction focus on explaining.mp4

177、Yin house feng shui the correct way to judge.mp4

178, Yin house feng shui knowledge so burial grave God of wealth will be scared away.mp4

179, Yin house feng shui in the Dragon to the direction of how to determine the relationship between the six relatives, to dry as the father of the first eight trigrams on the relationship between the six relatives is not right.mp4


180, Yin house feng shui in the direction of the link is particularly important, how reasonable direction, what needs to pay attention to.mp4

181, Yin house feng shui neutral direction and dragon vein does not fit, although the direction of the establishment of the Bureau, the hair is not ideal.mp4

182, Yin house feng shui how to use the compass correctly and put.mp4

183, yin house feng shui must pay attention to the problem of moving the grave yin house feng shui examples.mp4

184, Yin house feng shui must pay attention to the issue of moving the grave the importance of choosing the day.mp4


.186, the flow of water in the feng shui of the yin house must be clear, the flow of water reverse water instantly become dead water.mp4

187, the seriousness of the five yellow problems in the feng shui of the yin house.mp4


188、How to regulate the problem of the five yellow in the feng shui of the yin house.mp4


189、How to achieve a million dollars in Yin house feng shui.mp4

190、How to achieve millionaire in Yin house feng shui.mp4

191, Yin house feng shui in the main family heart bad points.mp4

192, yin house feng shui ancestral graves hair murder will actually bleed, bleeding scene like a waterfall, see how Geng Mingyuan feng shui master response_HD.mp4

193, Yin house feng shui at the beginning of the wealthy later became poor fortune where the reason.mp4

194, Yin house a feng shui how to choose the mountain.mp4

195, Yin house should pay attention to the place in order to bless future generations of money constantly.mp4

196, this Yin house feng shui burgundy position is vital, come to learn, go home and do it yourself.mp4

197, Zhuge Kongming mysterious 《maqian class》 explained, learn maqian class, choose the day no longer need to turn the book.mp4

Some screenshots


耿明远 耿明远 耿明远


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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