palmistry face all know by Chen Tai Xian pdf scan version palmistry face textbook

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Ancient Chinese phrenology has accumulated thousands of years of valuable experience and wisdom, and its inner mysteries and philosophies cannot be understood thoroughly overnight, but some of the techniques it offers can be mastered.

The description and understanding of the origin of the universe, natural phenomena and social phenomena by the ancient people of China are mostly infiltrated with myths, superstitions and feudal colors and contents, and phrenology is no exception, so it is necessary to identify them when reading and studying them in order to understand the knowledge related to phrenology.

Phrenology is a unique system of value judgment with an unusually rich connotation. China phrenology, has always respected the \”sackcloth phrenology\”, \”Liu Zhuang phrenology\”. Because the ancient phallic art of everything, from the body, look, appearance and even voice, hair, palm prints, etc., complement each other and can be independently observed and judged, so the phallic must be able to detect microscopic knowledge.

The most important thing to know is that you have to be able to look at each other. 《The book is a compilation and analysis of the ancient texts of Chinese mystical culture, folk beliefs, magic and other aspects. It provides a general outline and clues for the study of the phenomenon of Chinese mystical culture.

With a large number of vivid and lively texts and beautiful pictures, this book shows the reader the development origin of ancient phrenology as well as the stories and legends related to phrenology from multiple perspectives, which is fascinating to read. In addition, the book demystifies and reflects on the methods and social efficacy of ancient physiognomy, enabling us to understand physiognomy more objectively and break the prejudice and superstition about it.

The basic knowledge and most practical parts of palmistry and face reading are presented in the most concise way, so that we are not confined to obscure ancient texts when learning palmistry.

This book is based on the modern translation of our ancient texts, in which there are many mistakes and errors, and the author uses the past to understand the present, and integrates the differences between the past and the present, so if there are places that cannot be explained in detail, they will be left open for study. The mystery of phrenology lies here, is always worth studying the \”magic\”.

The purpose of writing this book is to apply our traditional wisdom of palmistry effectively in our daily life, to increase our competitiveness, to reduce the number of encounters with difficulties and failures, and to achieve the purpose of avoiding bad luck.

Although it is said that \”planning is in the hands of man, success is in the hands of God\”, if we can make full use of the knowledge inside and our own wisdom, we can reduce many unnecessary frustrations and troubles even if we cannot do everything as we wish. I believe the reader will get the corresponding gains.

Table of ContentsChinese phrenology

1、A brief analysis of phrenology

2、The entry point of phrenology

Previous palmistry palm money destiny</h5

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of palmistry</h6

1、Characteristics of the hand

2、Characteristics of the palm of the hand

3, Basic view of palmistry

4, Origin of palmistry

5. Hand shape, hand color, softness and hardness

Chapter 2: The mystery of palmistry</h6

1、Palm lines

2、Life line

3、Rational line

4、Emotional line

5、Wisdom line

6、Success line

7、Destiny line

8、Marriage line

9、Venus Band

10、Other lines

11、Good and Evil in the Palm

Chapter 3: The Five Elements Palmistry</h6

1、The five elements and palmistry

2, palmistry misconceptions

3, Gold palm hand shape

4、Wood palm hand type

5, water palm hand type

6、Fire palm hand type

7、Earth palm hand type

Chapter 4: The Life of the Fingers

1、The five fingers in a nutshell

2、The fortune of the nails


4. The index finger

5、Middle finger

6、Ring finger


8, Interfinger Phase Intention

Chapter 5: Palm Reveal</h6

1、Venus Mound

2、Jupiter Mound

3、Saturn Mound

4, Sun Mound

5、Mercury Mound

6, the Moon Mound

7, Inner Mars Mound

8、External Mars Mound

9、Mars Field

Chapter 6: The Twelve Decisions of Palmistry</h6

1、Fingers and palms

2、Flesh and bone

3、Phases of flesh color

4、Phases of the three masters

5、Phase three talent lines

6、Phase three strange

7、Phase root

8、Fortune and wealth

9、Phases of mind

10、Phases of will and courage

11, phase color

12、Phases of palm qi

Chapter 7: Palmistry as a gatekeeper to career and wealth</h6

1、The relationship between palmistry and wealth

2. Four hand lines that do not lack money

3. Palm features to see the fortune of the hand

4, by the palm mound to see the fortune

5, often as \”card slaves\” of people

6. The length of five fingers hides career mysteries

Chapter 8: Palmistry and fortune

1. The palm of the lucky man

2. Broken palms and good or bad fortune

3, Hand shape determines fate

4. The palm of a loser

5, the palm of a big change in mid-life

6, the palm of a great success


7, the palm of the bitter and the sweet

8, palmistry that can be transferred

9, nail color and good or bad luck

10、People character from palmistry

11、Fingerprints and destiny

12、The future in palmistry

13, Fingertip shape and character destiny

Chapter 9: Palmistry and Emotions</h6

1, The relationship between palmistry and marriage

2. The palm of a happy marriage

3. The marriage phase of success in love

4, Amorous marriage palm

5, plain and simple marriage phase

6, long distance love palm

7, suitable for late marriage palm

8, palm with marriage crisis

9、Phases of good luck because of marriage

10、What kind of hands have peach blossom luck

11、The most self-absorbed people

12, such a palm love off sad

13、See if you are emotionally \”sulky\”

14、Are you a person who likes unrequited love?

15, palm reading to see when you get married

16, palm reading easy to jealous people

17、\”Instant noodles\” love palm

18、From the palm to see the love fortune

19、Parents\’ feelings from the life line

20: Spouse from Palm Wisdom Line

Chapter 10: Palmistry and Health</h6

1. Palmistry and body health reflex zones

2. The health principles of palmistry palm lines

3. Palm lines and the cause of pathology

4、Disease from the Life line

5、Disease from the Health line

6、Disease from the Emotional line

7. Common disease characteristics in the palm of the hand

8、Discovery of diseases from the Palm line

9. Chances of breast cancer from palmistry

Chapter 11: Self-assessment of palmistry</h6

1、Year of Life line measurement

2、Rational line year estimation method

3、Emotional line year measurement

4、Year of Career line

The next chapter: The face of the face hides the mystery of wealth and prosperityChapter 12: A discussion of face reading

1. What is face reading?

2. Look at the face first and look at the gods

3, look at the face is important in the qi color

4. Face reading should also pay attention to speech and mannerisms

Chapter 13: A complete view of the face

1、The face says

2、The ten views of the face

3、Compatible with nobility

4. The general statement of the face

Chapter 14: The Great Anatomy of Facial Varieties

1、The five views of each theory










11, Teeth






Chapter 15: Facial look for career and wealth</h6

1、The face of a strong woman

2. The face of the boss who doesn\’t make it to the top

3. The \”God of Wealth\” face

4, a thousand times the talent phase

5, the most insubordinate staff phase

6、The face that can make money for the company

7, easy to lose face

8、The face of the nose that spreads wealth

9、The job that will make you very prosperous

10、The face of a young man with success

11、Mouth shape of wealth and prosperity

12、Face that will get unexpected wealth

13、Faces that foretell your career golden period

14、The face that can\’t save money

15, \”neck\” to see a lifetime of wealth

16, the wealth of the teeth

17, the poor face of a lifetime of hard work

18, the most prosperous partner

Chapter 16: Face and fortune of fortune</h6

1. The relationship between teeth and fortune

2. The face of bad luck

3. The recent situation from the color of the qi

4、From the ears to see the fortune

5、Mouth and lips reveal fortune

6. The face of wealth and longevity

7. Ten face shapes to see luck

8. Scars that affect the fortune

9. Three kinds of beauty phase luck analysis

10、Forehead shape determine the future

11、How many \”lucky stars\” the mouth and lips contain

12, tongue to see your life chances

13, \”thousand-year-old\” face

14、Animal-like appearance of people

15、Women who are alone

16、Aristocratic looks

17、Man female face analysis

Chapter 17: Face and emotions</h6

1. A woman face worthy of love

2. Such a woman is dangerous

3. A man who can be trusted for life

4、Serious type of man

5、The face of a good wife

6, can marry a good family face

7, easy to meet the \”golden tortoise son-in-law\” face

8、Wanting peach blossom face in middle age

9, marriage face with many twists and turns

10, \”iceberg\” lover face

11, \”popular lover\” of men faces

12、The face of a couple in love

13, the face of the woman who is favored

14、The face of a hypocrite

15, mouth shape to see the love life

16, eyelids to see partner loyalty

17、Husband look

18, the face of a suitable late marriage

19、Nostalgic face

20、Love across the year face

21, eyes reveal the love affair

22、Matchmaking face

23、The most difficult to grasp lover

24、\”Savage girlfriend\” face

25, the face of the couple who quarrel

26, remarried good man

27、The face that does not please the elders

28, \”old and pretty\” face

29、People who are stupid in their relationships

30、People who change their destiny through marriage

31、Women who meet someone unlucky

Chapter 18: Face and Health</h6

1. Five senses to diagnose illnesses

2、Ulcer disease

3. Parasites in the abdomen

4. Hypertensive faces


6、Menstrual irregularities


8、Stomach disease

9、Forehead view to see the disease

10、Viewing the human middle to see the disease

11、View the nose to see the disease

12、Ear observation

13、Eyes to see the disease

14、Characteristics of heart disease


16. Facial appearance of patients with epileptic signs

17、Sign of disease by facial quick recognition

18、Looking at hair to know disease


20、Male health

21. Several moles that affect health

Chapter 19: Knowing people through the five facial features</h6

1. The traditional ancient art of reading people

2. Knowing a person character from his or her expressions

3. People who are naturally good at faces

4. The face that can turn good fortune into bad fortune

5、The face of revenge

6、Simple way to know people

7. Seven points to see the love of lying people

8、Face shape and character

9、Everything to \”profit\” to see the face

10、Brows to read temperament

11、The strongest face

12、The face of dedication

13、Insidious villain face

14、People with a tendency to violence

15、The face of a petty and wealthy man

16、The face that turns the other cheek

17, easy to become \”gold-digging\” people

18, must not miss the talent

19、Female ambition in philology

20、People with a strong sixth sense

21、People who are easily bullied

22、Mustache to recognize people

23、The mystery of the eyes

24、The face that will be famous

25、What face is the least trustworthy

26. The phallic characteristics of each personality

Chapter 20: Changing fortune in response to facial expressions</h6

1. Tips for changing love fortune

2. The relationship between face and fortune

3. The solution to the difficult-to-marry face

4、The face that can turn bad luck into good luck

5、Resolving the face of the \”not rich\”

6、The \”pot of gold\” method of changing luck

7、How to change the color to increase good luck

8、People in the law of luck

9、The crack of the broken nose

10、How to change your face to increase your luck at work

11、How to change your luck after a broken face

12、How to fix the eyebrows to change the luck

13、How to increase the opposite sex

14、Let your hair bring you luck

15、The solution to the art of the less sleepy face


1、Zeng Guofan《冰鑑》

2. Dharma Ancestor Secrets of Phasing

3、Gieguzi Magical Phasing

4、The essence of the 《Maji Shenxian》 in the full compilation

5、Xu Negi sixteen articles of phallic law

6、《Liu Zhuang phallic method》

7、The precious news of phrenology



  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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