[Song of Life] September 2017 Seven Politics and Four Remains Course 35 Sessions (Video/Audio/Documentation)

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Information name: [Song of Life] September 2017 seven political four remaining courses 35 sections (video / audio / document)

Data number: 21434

Data size: 11.84GB

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/2021/21434. Songs for Life September 2017 Course/

2017 Recordings

1. Course Schedule and Numerology Significance.mp3 46.38M

10. Under the Lunar Nodes.mp3 20.48M

11. Explanation of the Purple Star.mp3 39.92M

12. The Star of Luo and Guido.mp3 35.51M

13. Solar and Lunar Eclipses and Cases.mp3 46.37M

14. The 12 Earthly Branches and Astrology.mp3 43.66M

15. Nayin and the 28 astrological signs.mp3 42.49M

16. The Twelve Houses and the Star of the House 1.mp3 44.53M

17. House and house lord and three lords etc.mp3 37.20M

18. Body and body degree lord stars and cases.mp3 43.15M

19. The main theory and cases of the official and the lord.mp3 25.79M

2. Sun, Moon, and Light.mp3 23.00M

2. Sun, Moon, and Light.mp3 16.26M

21. The three stages and cases of warp and woof.mp3 33.19M

22. The Heavenly Stems and Furies and the Wheel of Fortune.mp3 35.84M

23. The Furies before the Horse and the Furies of the Moon.mp3 39.59M

24. The Four Times.mp3 37.37M

25. The Four Signs plus Cases.mp3 36.87M

26. Treatise on the Births, Grammars, and Transformations.mp3 36.82M

27. The Great Limit Method.mp3 34.41M

28. Dong Wei Da Limits Method 2(1).mp3 33.54M

29. The Law of the Year.mp3 39.55M

3. The Rise and Fall of the Sun and Moon on.mp3 17.99M

3. The rising and sinking of the sun and the moon are under.mp3 26.48M

30. The method of pushing the luck of the small limit, the moon limit and the child limit.mp3 36.82M

31. Emotional Topics.mp3 39.59M

32. The topic of the combined plates.mp3 27.17M

33. Work.mp3 38.33M

34. Skyview.mp3 35.99M

35. Divination.mp3 34.48M

4. Mercury Explained on.mp3 14.22M

4. The Five Elements.mp3 28.26M

5. Mercury Retrograde etc.mp3 23.22M

5. Mercury Under.mp3 15.76M

6. Venus on.mp3 19.49M

6. Venus Down.mp3 25.05M

7. On Mars.mp3 21.79M

7. Mars Down.mp3 25.23M

8. Jupiter Explained.mp3 44.43M

9. Saturn on.mp3 18.65M

9. Saturn Down.mp3 21.65M

9. Problems and Cases, etc.mp3 18.43M

2017 Training Videos

1. Course Schedule and Numerology Introduction.mp4 244.44M

11. Purple Qi.mp4 379.38M

12. Luo Shu Ji Du Star Explanation.mp4 242.43M

13. Solar and Lunar Eclipses and Case Solution.MP4 897.01M

13. Solar and Lunar Eclipses and Cases.MP4 801.50M

14. Zodiac Signs and Earth Branches.avi 202.00M

15. Nayin and 28 astrological signs.avi 181.08M

16.12 houses and house lords 1.mp4 295.68M

17. The three lords and the view of the house lords etc.mp4 311.49M

18. Body degree master theory 1.mp4 177.98M

18. Body degree master theory 2.mp4 178.79M

19. The case of the master of the official and the official.mp4 268.60M

2. Sun and Moon.mp4 329.71M

20. The star of heaven is shining.mp4 268.23M

21. The Three Stages and Cases.mp4 350.07M

22. Heavenly Stem and Taiyang Chakra.mp4 307.19M

23. The Fatalities in front of the Horse and the Moon and the Case of Wendy Deng.mp4 324.05M

24. The Four Times.mp4 334.72M

25. The Four Signs plus Case.mp4 321.77M

26. Five Elements and Cases.avi 142.47M

27. The Great Limit of Dong Wei.avi 160.33M

28. Dong Wei Da Limits 2 Cases.avi 152.44M

29. The Law of the Year.avi 168.85M

3. The rising and falling of the sun and moon.mp4 395.04M

30. Small Limits, Moon Limits, etc.avi 185.25M

31. Emotional cases.avi 187.67M

32. Combination of topics.avi 135.94M

33. Work.avi 185.46M

34. Sky Analysis.avi 143.40M

35. Divination.avi 180.59M

4. Five Elements Mercury on.mp4 178.10M

5. Mercury Retrograde etc.mp4 164.39M

6. Venus Analysis.mp4 399.39M

7. Mars.mp4 252.42M

8. Jupiter Recording.mp4 373.39M

9. Saturn on.mp4 167.15M

9. Saturn down and case quiz etc.mp4 369.44M

Day Run.mp4 331.31M


1.September 2017 Issue Lesson 1 – About Numerology.pptx 852.77kb

10. Lesson – Yu Nu Xing and Lunar Nodes.pptx 387.73kb

10. Lesson – Moon and Purple Qi.doc 54.50kb

11. Lesson – Purple Qi.pptx 187.24kb

1119 Case.doc 332.50kb

November 5 astrological reading for everyone to study and think about.doc 942.00kb

14. Lesson – Twelve signs and earthly branches.ppt 1.89M

14. Twelve signs and earthly branches.doc 326.00kb

15. Twenty-eight astrological signs.doc 304.50kb

15. The twenty-eight constellations.pptx 6.65M

16. Lesson: Twelve astrological houses and house lords.doc 1.09M

16. Lesson: Twelve star houses and house lords.ppt 7.42M

18. Seven political lessons supplement – house and house lord etc.pptx 212.71kb

2. Lesson Sun and Moon.pptx 2.30M

20. Heavenly stars (1).ppt 7.04M

20. Starry Day.ppt 6.93M

22. Divine Furies.ppt 6.91M

22. Gods and Furies (Supplementary).doc 110.00kb

24. The four seasons.ppt 6.82M

26. The Four Signs of the Gods (Supplementary).pptx 6.13M

26. The Five Elements.doc 72.50kb

27. Dong Wei Dazhan Method.ppt 6.86M

29. The Law of the Lunar Year.ppt 6.86M

30. The Small Limit, the Moon Limit, the Flying Limit, etc.(1).ppt 6.96M

31. The topic of emotions.ppt 6.94M

32. The topic of the combined disk.ppt 8.47M

33. Work.pptx 6.17M

34. Lesson – astrological view.pptx 396.98kb

35. The topic of divination.ppt 6.82M

5. Lesson – Venus.pptx 582.57kb

5. Courseware-Venus.doc 44.50kb

7. Lesson – Daily transit.pptx 640.87kb

8. Lesson – Jupiter.pptx 177.80kb

8.6 Q&A.doc 807.50kb

8. Lesson – Jupiter.doc 50.50kb

August 13~15 Q & A.doc 574.50kb

Aug 22~25 Q & A.doc 153.00kb

9. Lesson – Saturn.pptx 180.66kb

9. Lesson – Saturn.doc 52.00kb

Tian Ma Di Yi.docx 12.34kb

Heavenly and Earthly Branches.docx 16.32kb


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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