Renminbi sacrifice money to attract wealth spells

Jul 17,2024 29 33
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Profile name: RMB sacrifice money trick

Profile Number: 22B08033

Data size: 855.39MB

Data language: Chinese

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The money can be used to generate money by adding RMB/golden yuan to the money. Similar to the money mother, you can put the money in feng shui array, purse, safe, depository for money generation. Long-term with the body, no damage can always use wear. Information includes a small video, two pictures, and a document.

List of materials.


/Feng Shui Meaning/22B/08/22B08033. Renminbi sacrifice to attract wealth /

Recordings documents

Recording Documentation

Gua.png 379.31kb

人民币招财_ev.mp4 6.67M

Renminbi beckoning method.docx 12.04kb

招财進宝.jpg 93.16kb

Screenshot of information.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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