Electronic data sharing of Lin Xinming’s “The Magical Use of the Eight Mansions Houtian Method”

Jul 17,2024 24 33

This book is the author’s third book on Feng Shui of Yang Zhai, and it is called “The Magical Use of the Ba Zhai Hou Tian Law”. Why is the word Hou Tian added to the Ba Zhai? Because the book “Mirror of the Eight Houses” only has the method of deduction, and there are no formulas to be found in the books handed down from ancient times, but there are formulas for the acquired Eight Houses Method, so only a few people understand this rule. Acquired feng shui, emphasizing the harmony of yin and yang

This book is the author’s third book on Yang Zhai Feng Shui. It is called “The Magical Use of Eight Houses and Houtian Laws”. Why is the word Houtian added to the eight houses? Because the book “Mirror of the Eight Houses” only has the method of deduction, and there are no formulas to be found in the books handed down from ancient times, but there are formulas for the acquired Eight Houses Method, so only a few people understand this rule.

Feng Shui of the Acquired School emphasizes the reconciliation of yin and yang, pays attention to the restraint of the five elements, and has the classification of yin and yang houses of tranquility, building, god, work, and wind. Static, refers to bungalows, mainly houses; Lou, refers to buildings, mainly stars; Shen, refers to temples, mainly anti-hexagrams; Gong, refers to factories, mainly based on eight trigrams; Feng, refers to yin houses and mainly communicates with nine stars . The theoretical framework of their respective calculations is quite complete and rich, and they have to be admired by future scholars.

Therefore, Houtian School of Yangzhai is a combination of ancient books such as “Eight Houses Mirror”, “Three Essentials of Yangzhai”, “Ten Books of Yangzhai”, “Integration of Yangzhai” and “Five Geography” . It’s just that he transformed the flat one-, two-, and three-entry courtyard houses in ancient times into a modern jungle-style apartment building to judge it. However, its theory is very lively, and its accuracy is also very high. Regarding this point, it can be proved that Li Hushan’s ancestors have a unique perspective and admiration for their ancestors’ insight and opportunity. I also thank Li Hushan for passing on this set of feng shui system to others. Later scholars, otherwise later scholars can only go around in the above-mentioned ancient books and materials.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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