Deng Haifeng “The Essence of Ancient Fengshui and Yin Houses” HD PDF e-book

Jul 17,2024 10 36

Deng Haifeng’s “The Essence of Ancient Fengshui and Yin Houses” HD PDF e-book, shared on Baidu Netdisk. The mystery of the ancient method has been in the millennium. Its root comes from the “Tianyu Jing” and “Qingnang Austrian Language”. The method of theory is the book, and the method of qi is the formula. The combination of the method of theory and the method of qi, that is, the integration of the book and the formula, are used in techniques and are interlinked to form the ancient

Deng Haifeng’s “The Essence of Ancient Fengshui and Yin Houses” HD PDF e-book, shared on Baidu Netdisk. The mystery of the ancient method has been in the millennium. Its root comes from the “Tianyu Jing” and “Qingnang Austrian Language”. The method of theory is the book, and the method of qi is the tactic. The combination of the method of theory and the method of qi, that is, the integration of the book and the tactic, are used in techniques and are interlinked to form the integrity of the ancient method of Xuanji Fengshui, so that it can achieve the effect of deification. . The two great works “Tian Yu Jing” and “Qing Nang Austrian Language” are heavenly books for most people, and many scholars think they are fake studies. Although there are many versions of explanations for these two great works by celebrities in the past dynasties, but There are many mistakes just because you can’t get the scriptures from the book or you can’t get the scriptures from the book, and you are full of mistakes. The ancient law Xuanji Feng Shui inherits the wisdom of the ancients, and fully translates the classic crystallization of the ancients, so that this simple, simple and magical national treasure is reappeared in front of the world. The true essence of ancient Fengshui is a very pure science, the law of nature, and the realm of great thinking. Its core content revolves around the eight stems and four dimensions. It is fully translated with twelve characters of A, B, D, G, Xin Rengui and Qian Kun Gen Xun. An ancient and amazing science.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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