Xu Xin’s “Feng Shui Tian Ji” page 297

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Share the 297-page PDF high-definition electronic version of Xu Xin’s “Feng Shui Tian Ji”. Introduction The origin of yin and yang is the day and night caused by the rotation of the earth, and later extended to the temperature and temperature of the climate, the up and down, left and right, inside and outside of the orientation, the restlessness and tranquility of the movement state, etc. All phenomena in the universe are in a relationship of mutual opposition and interaction, so the ancients used the concept of yin and yang to describe

Xu Xin’s “Feng Shui Tian Ji” 297 pages PDF high-definition electronic version sharing.


The origin of yin and yang is the day and night caused by the rotation of the earth, and later extended to the cold and warm of the climate, the up and down, left and right, inside and outside of the orientation, the restlessness and tranquility of the movement state, etc. All phenomena in the universe are in a relationship of mutual opposition and interaction, so the ancients used the concept of yin and yang to explain all the material and non-material phenomena in nature that are two kinds of opposites and mutual ebb and flow. He also believes that the opposition and ebb and flow of yin and yang are inherent in things themselves, and further believes that the antagonism and ebb and flow of yin and yang are the basic laws of the universe. Everything in nature includes two opposite aspects of yin and yang, and the two opposites are unified with each other. The movement of the unity of opposites of yin and yang is the root cause of the occurrence, development, change and extinction of all things in nature. “Suwen·Yin and Yang Yingxiang Dalun” says that “yin and yang are the way of heaven and earth, the discipline of all things, the parents of changes, and the origin of life and death.” Therefore, the law of the unity of opposites and opposites of yin and yang is the inherent law of the movement and change of all things in nature, and the world itself is the result of the movement of the unity of opposites and opposites of yin and yang. Yin and Yang can not only represent things that are opposite to each other, but also can be used to analyze the two opposite aspects that exist within a thing. Generally speaking, everything that is vigorously moving, outgoing, rising, warm, and bright belongs to yang; anything that is relatively still, inwardly guarded, descending, cold, and dark belongs to yin. In terms of heaven and earth, light and clear weather is yang, and heavy turbidity is yin; in terms of water and fire, water is cold and moist, which belongs to yin, and fire is hot and flaming, which belongs to yang. Any thing can be divided by the attribute of yin and yang, but it must be for a pair of things that are related to each other, or two aspects of one thing, for this kind of division to have practical significance. If the two things being analyzed are not related to each other, or are not two opposite aspects of a unity, then Yin and Yang cannot be used to distinguish their relative attributes and their interrelationships.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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